
Can you Recycle drinking water by peeing into a Brita Filter Pitcher?

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Can you Recycle drinking water by peeing into a Brita Filter Pitcher?




  1. Hahaha that is so awesome! (That article someone linked)

  2. yuck!

  3. there arent any impurities in your pee, so why filter it?

  4. I don't think so.  You might filter out some of the chemicals and other stuff, but I doubt it will be crystal clear.

    I read about an experiment where some guys were pouring cheap vodka through a Brita filter to see if it would make it taste better.  It turns out that after sending it through the filter about 5 -10 times, it tasted a lot better, on par with some of the better vodkas.  But my point is: it was still vodka.

    If you want to try peeing in your Brita pitcher, go for it, but I suspect it will still come out yellow.

  5. A coffee filter works as well.

  6. Yes.

    It might be a little salty though.

    ; )

  7. Go ahead, it won't hurt me.    Let me know how it tastes.

  8. ha ha ha ha ha u made my day!

  9. yes you can. Check out the story.

  10. Why Filter? Bear Grylls from man vs Wild on the Discovery Channel drinks his pee straight from "his tap".

  11. Depends on what brand of beer you're drinking. If its Guinness, it will be like Dublin tap water. If its Coors Lite, you won't need to filter it at all. And DON'T talk to us if its Bud.

  12. Many compounds from humans and pharmaceuticals such as estrogen escape many large scale water treatment plants so they would get through Brita Filter Pitcher.

  13. You might need to change the filter more often. In the end, you can save yourself money and pee breath if you filter regular water. Find another way to conserve :)

  14. I think so.

  15. why filter it?

  16. yea, i don't see why not!  be careful of the whites of your eyes turning yellow though!  lololololol

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