
Can you accept this proposed project by global warming experts ?

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So the earth is warming and the Ice in the North and South poles are disappearing. The best solution that they proposed is to pump sulfur to the atmosphere by mixing it to aviation fuel at aircraft and the Aircraft will do the rest.

But I'm douting about myself because for some reason we know that the cause of acid rain is sulfur. Then why are they using this. OMG




  1. Such a solution is only proposed as a last-ditch measure if we were to see the Earth's climate changing uncontrollably toward catastrophe.  No one would want to do something like that, but there are people that worry that we won't take global warming seriously until it is too late to do anything more moderate, like cutting our carbon dioxide emissions.  I think that's a perfectly reasonable thing to worry about, considering how many people in this group think that global warming is just a conspiracy between scientists and the government to take away their freedom and tax them. It would certainly be better to put sulfates in the stratosphere than to turn into another Venus, if that's what it comes to.

    Since the sulfates would be injected into the stratosphere and not the troposphere, acid rain would not be that big a worry, since there is not a lot of mixing between tropospheric storms and the stratosphere.

  2. No.  I wouldn't want to see that done.  Even the most adamant AGW theorists (credentialed experts that I know of in the mainstream) say we have some time to alter our habits before global warming accelerates past the 'tipping point,' and nobody knows for sure how long that might be.  So it wouldn't make sense (to me, anyway) for us to be fiddling around with stuff like pumping sulfur into the atmosphere.

  3. This idea was simply proposed as a possibility, but everyone agreed that it was too risky and would have too many negative consequences to be a viable option.  They might consider it as a desperate last ditch effort to avoid catastrophic climate change, but scientists know the best option right now is to decrease our greenhouse gas emissions, because we still have time.

  4. Lets wait and see if the Artic really will be ice free this summer before we do anything as rash as that.

  5. It's not really proposed as the best solution.  It's intended as a last ditch delaying tactic to buy time for reducing greenhouse gases.  The idea is that, by injecting it into the stratosphere it won't cause dangerous levels of acid rain, like ground based smokestacks would.

    This is pretty funny.  "You will find that the "experts" who believe in AGW are clinically insane."

    That would include:  all the nation's intelligence agencies, the Pentagon,  The Centers for Disease Control, NOAA, and all these scientific organizations:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    They've all said global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.  So, are they clinically insane?  If not, I guess man made global warming is scientific fact.

  6. We do not have a plan to move forward. Businesses are stuck in quarter to quarter. The government is wanting to businesses to step up. The only plan I have seen is the California Air Resources Board AB32 solution, outside the one at I agree with you that this is not a plan at all. It would be better to use water from the airplanes to form ice in the upper atmosphere reflecting sunlight back into space.

  7. scientist are saying volcanoes under the ocean floor are melting the poles. Not global warming

  8. I haven't heard of this, but it sounds silly -- for just the reason you cite.

  9. You will find that the "experts" who believe in AGW are clinically insane. Here are some other genius plans to combat non existent AGW.

  10. Nope.  There are no experts on the global warming side, just communist-minded sheep and some 'weird-science' folk after a quick buck.  In truth, the polar ice caps are not in danger and there is no need to take the crazy step of adding sulfur to the atmosphere.  Or anything else.  Just the thought of this proves that it's junk-science at work!!

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