
Can you actually GAIN CONTROL by being honest and speaking from the heart??

by  |  earlier

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I suppose you might gain more RESPECT

But if you are in a leadership situation is it a loss of control if there's been some 'finding your feet' coz its new to you - and is it ok to admit it to those concerned?

They've DEFINITELY noticed that things haven't exactly been running smoothly - so is it losing control to apologise?




  1. You're right, you can gain respect, but in a leadership position you have to be careful how you portrait yourself. If everyone was meant to lead, there would be no followers, so there is no reason to tell everyone everything. On the other hand, if you've OBVIOULSY screwed up something, you should apologize because your going to look bad if you don't.  

  2. when i was a little younger, i always speak my mind, i was candid and plain on how i feel on things..later on i discovered, it doesnt work on all things. Most of the time, i end up hurting others, or saying the wrong things at the wrong places. Everybody may not agree with me here, but honesty is a privilege not of everyone, but only to some who were matured enough to handle the truth. And sometimes, there are things better left unsaid and locked up somewhere, it saves minds, and even societies from chaos.

  3. yes!!!!!!!

  4. You will usually gain respect when you use phrases like, "I don't know, but I'll find out"

    Another tactic: "I can't speak to what happened before me, but what we have planned, now, is..."

  5. I think if it is necessary you should speak up and It is absolutely not losing control if you apologize, unless you are supposed to be "perfect."

  6. ha.. your question makes me think of one of my friends who was in the same position.  First to answer your question.. yes you can gain control.  The only time i feel like you may LOSE control of your people is if they see that lack of confidence.  You can easily apologize for a mishap or misunderstanding or whatever and still be confident.  Have a solution ready though.  After apologizing for whatever have you means of fixing it.  Just try not to be ugly about it... and try not to be overly apologetic.  One apology.. and a solution.. you will still have the CONTROL! :)  Oh and as for the things running smoothly.. convey that to your peers.. or coworkers.. and let them know what is going on.. you don't have to go in great detail.. and also tell them your plan to fix it.. or maybe ask for input.  That does not show lack of control.. even though you are a leader.. does not mean you cannot work together.

  7. it is always good to apologise

  8. You can't gain control, but you can change the opinion about what should be done.  

    In this case, I advocate the honesty, but you need to identify the issues and how you plan to correct them.  That shows that you've acknowledged the problem and your willing to correct your mistakes.  If all you do is apologize, you LOSE control of the situation and sound like you're full of excuses.

  9. yes, but note sometimes you gotta lie for their OWN benifit

  10. yes you deffinetly can!  

  11. Not really much control, I believe that gaining control will involve some aggression.

    But like you said you will gain respect and not to mention trustworthy  

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