
Can you actually impeach the vice president without the big fish. Just curious.?

by Guest44994  |  earlier

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Can you actually impeach the vice president without the big fish. Just curious.?




  1. Sure you can!

    There is a precedent for this case just a few years ago.  President Nixon and his VP, Spiro Agnew, were both going to be impeached.  The Democrats had majorities on both houses of Congress (as now) and they knew they could impeach Nixon in the House because that takes only a simple majority. But they knew they'd need to get some Republicans to vote along with them in the Senate to remove Nixon from office, because that takes a 2/3 vote.

    So a deal was struck to remove the VP first, then allow Nixon to pick his replacement, with confirmation by the Senate.  -Then- Nixon could be impeached without the Republicans giving up the White House. (Actually Nixon resigned rather than be impeached).

    Maybe that's what they're trying to do here.  The Republican impeachment of Bill Clinton showed that there's no point in impeaching a president if you can't remove him from office.  Clinton's popularity reached its peak during his impeachment, and was never below 65 points after that!

  2. Yes, any official can be impeached if a crime is committed.  It doesn't have to go in any order top-down or otherwise, an official commits a crime, impeachment is on the table.

  3. Impeachment is an indictment.  Congress can impeach the VP without the President.  Impeachment does not mean they are automatically removed from office.  All that has happened in the impeachment is charges have been brought against said person.  

    Read here.

  4. The Vice President IS the big fish. Cut off the head, and the body will wither.

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