
Can you actually make your car run on water?

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I'm well aware of how ridiculous this is, but has anyone seen those ads on the internet for plans on how to power your car with water? If not, here are a couple of the websites:

They claim that with their plans you can convert your car to run on half water, half gas. They even claim that it won't void your car's warranty. Obviously this is completely nuts, but isn't this the sort of thing that some investigative journalist would expose by buying some cheap old beater of a car and then actually try to use these plans on it. It seems like it would be interesting to try just for fun (if the plans weren't so expensive), but not on any car you plan on ever using again. But it is strange that these sites are out there and you never hear anything (positive or negative) about them in the press - you'd think you'd at least hear something. Anyone ever try this?




  1. The misconception is that you are running the car on water only and this is not possible. You can see a video instruction on how this is done at http://waterfuelconversion.googlepages.c... and see for yourself that it can be done, has been done and will be done. It is not a scam no matter what anyone else will say. The proof is in the pudding. My pudding is my proof because I have converted my car already and I am saving thousands of dollars on gas prices while many are not.

  2. why would you want to/??? we have enough oil out there we just need to drill for it. Our water is more important to use to people than  to use in our cars.

  3. no

  4. When you figure it out please let me know.  But as far as I know, water is incombustable.

  5. I also thought it's a scam after reading on until last month I was on the business trip to CA(Los Angeles) and stop by there all water for gas entrepreneurs get together. What I saw is blow my mind.

    So many people already installed this and saving money as we speak. Some people installed this on brand new cars!!!

    And for you people who said it's not possible in theory why don't you find at least one person who installed this and try to argue with that person.

    May be not all systems are the same, but so many people I've seen with this system - can't be wrong.

    I finally find a guy who installed on my car, but my savings not much (about 15-20%) yet, because I installed simple 1 canister device without any electronics. But I'm working on the next step... good luck

    BTW...  who posted "there is no scientific evidence...SCAM..." - watch video on FAQ page how Japanese company just created real 100% water car !!!

    Also watch a video interview of VP of Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies Inc. - they already do business worldwide.

    And this is not a spam, it's from Reuters News.

  6. yes the new honda is a hydrogeon cell engine

  7. Actually you are wrong. I bought one of these kits and got a 28% increase on gas. I got it from the website

  8. Is it true or just a scam? You cannot run your car on water alone of course!

    A cheap and simple installation produces Brown's Gas, also called HHO, which is mixed with the fuel (petrol, gasoline, LPG or diesel) your car is built for.

    Some say it is a hoax because they claim the energy you have to put in to produce the gas is more than what comes out when you burn it.

    But they do not realize that the mixture is more fuel efficient because the hydrogen gas explodes first and heats up the combustion chamber before the fuel does. This results in an increase in gas mileage of 10 - 50 %

    The price of the conversion is quickly recovered, especially when you drive a truck or SUV. Just make sure you follow all the safety instructions and if you are not a mechanic, get some professional help!

    You can read more in the review below ...

  9. I'm not sure.  I've been looking at it too.  Apparently there is this guy names Bob Boyce who is supposedly working with Toyota on a hydrogen cell.  The theory behind it is basically shooting electricity through an electrolytic solution which will separate the hydrogen and oxygen in the water.  This is true as H2O is bonded by a hydrogen bond, which, is the weakest form of chemical bond, thus putting highly explosive hydrogen gas into your engine mixed with the air from your intake.  With the hydrogen mixed in with the air it is supposed to supplement for some of the gasoline and allow your engine to run using less gasoline.  There really does seem to be a lack of empirical data to confirm or deny its effectiveness.  There is some stuff on Youtube on it.  Time to call mythbusters maybe?

  10. You absolutely can run a car on water.

    The site that you refer to is no doubt one that promotes electrolysis of water to produce Di-Hydrogen (commonly known as Brown's Gas). This is a highly implosive gas (that's not a spelling mistake) which can combust within a car engine.

    The issue with running a car on di-hydrogen is one of generating enough of the gas and storing it. The systems that are given on these websites use an on-the-fly electrolysis system which generates an amount of the gas and feeds it to the engine whilst running on petrol (gas for American readers). Anyhow, the amount generated by these systems is not enough to run a car engine without another fuel source.

    There are however many generators around the world which are used to create electricity by using internal combustion engines (such as a car has) running on Di-Hydrogen created from water, on-the-fly.

    If you want to understand the process you should investigate Di-Hydrogen, Brown's Gas and electrolysis of water into Oxygen and Di-Hydrogen.

  11. it's a possibility that it works, just like a jet fighter on afterburner... to increase speed & power, a spray of water is introduced to the hot exhaust... in this case, it's mixing fuel, air & water in the combustion chamber to produce the same effect.

    another way would be to convert water to hydrogen to power the car. H2O broken down gives you 2 parts hydrogen & 1 part oxygen, & hydrogen is highly combustible & cleaner than mineral fuel oil.

    the oil company will sure as h**l don't want you to use this & break their monopoly.

  12. If the engine was a steam engine. This half water, half gas c**p has been floating around since the 1950's.

  13. you might be able to water down the gas a little, but i think that would damage your car...however, i bet there are cars that use water and make energy by turning it into steam

  14. If you can make it run on water, you should be able to walk on water to.

  15. To directly answer your question there is no direct way to run your vehicle on water. There are alot of "kits" out there but I dont think they provide any if at all help to do this. You are able to run a diesel truck on vegetable oil and cooking grease thou as my neighbor has been doing that for almost a year and he has a kit he purchased online and developed him self but it is a process. Right now the chevy volt and other concept cars are coming into the spot light to run off alternative fuels so they might be your best bet. The ads you see are more of a feed off of peoples problems and they provided a solution. Its a simple scam technique

  16. This scam is worse than just a bunch of self-deluding enthusiasts, it's a huge fraud that is currently scamming a lot of people and earning those behind it a massive amount of money. runs a very lucrative affiliate scheme in which they pay *anyone* up to $50 each time they deliver a new "victim" into their clutches.  That's a 50% commission on every sale that results from a fellow-scammer recommending the water4gas ebooks.

    Water4gas provides affiliates with fake testimonials, videos with which to spam YouTube and even their own webpage that they can promote as "proof" that this HHO technology is real.

    As a result, there are a *lot* of people running around claiming "yes it works, I'm saving 40% on my fuel bills since I fitted one to my car, visit this site for more info..." when, in reality, they don't even have an HHO system and they're simply trying to sell people eBooks so they can earn commissions.

    I am very surprised that the FTC hasn't come down on Ozzie Freedom and his army of affiliated scammers like a ton of bricks, hopefully they will.

    In the meantime, please tell all your friends and family about this scam so they can avoid getting sucked in.

    The link I've provided points to pages that contain details of this scam and a somewhat simpler set of maths to debunk the whole "run your car on water" concept.  Please check it out and point others to it so that we can protect innocent people from getting conned.

    PS: Johnny.c, stop trying to scam people.  The site your link ultimately ends up at is flogging this worthless dross and I notice that the special offer always ends tomorrow -- but go back tomorrow and it now ends the next day.  Scam, scam, scam.  You are one of the scammers I'm talking about.

    PPS: And look, "car lover" has joined in, trying to scam you and coerce you to go to his site.  I told you so folks and the scammers are proving me right.

    PPS: I see the scammers are claiming that the appearance of other hydrogen-powered vehicles (such as the new Honda) are proof that their lame HHO systems work.  Utter rubbish. None of the vehicles offered by real automakers claim to defy the laws of thermodynamics and they're all based on proven science.

    And SA K, that Japanese car uses a chemical reaction to release hydrogen - not a jam-jar and a battery.  It has *nothing* to do with the HHO scams.  How does it work?  Well try adding water to a container with a few strips of potassium, lithium or sodium in it.  Guess what happens?  You get *hydrogen* and if you pipe that hydrogen to a fuel-cell or ICE you get a car that is *not* powered by water but powered by the hydrogen released from a well known chemical reaction.  This system does not break the laws of thermodynamics but the HHO scams would have to in order to work.  So don't try and legitimise a scam by referring to something that is completely different (a typical scammer trick).   To see how you could make a car *appear* to run on liquid water, look at the third link below -- it shows how lithium and water react to create hydrogen.  Line your fuel tank with lithium, pour in regular tap water and voila -- instant hydrogen! But it has *NOTHING* to do with these HHO scams!

    Also, check the YT video I've  added to the links below.

  17. i highly doubt it

  18. Yes, Theoretically. But, it probably would not be economical to do so. In order to do so you would have to modify an engine to run on hydrogen gas. You would then have to set up a system to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen from your supply of water. and you would have to do it fast enough to sustain the motors demand.

    Or, you could use a hydrogen fuel cell instead. (Expensive, and hard to get)

    Another problem is the exhaust. Burning hydrogen leaves a water vapor as a by product. What do you think it would do to the inside of you engine if you kept pumping water vapor through it?

  19. I've heard good things about these:

    I'm not too sure. They say it works, and they where even on Sally Jesse the other day so that must mean something.

    Please let me know if anyone uses or has used them and tell me if they work.

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