I'm well aware of how ridiculous this is, but has anyone seen those ads on the internet for plans on how to power your car with water? If not, here are a couple of the websites: http://www.cheaperwaytodrive.com/cheaperway.html?gclid=CJCYnJq8hpQCFSgtagodgisqVw
They claim that with their plans you can convert your car to run on half water, half gas. They even claim that it won't void your car's warranty. Obviously this is completely nuts, but isn't this the sort of thing that some investigative journalist would expose by buying some cheap old beater of a car and then actually try to use these plans on it. It seems like it would be interesting to try just for fun (if the plans weren't so expensive), but not on any car you plan on ever using again. But it is strange that these sites are out there and you never hear anything (positive or negative) about them in the press - you'd think you'd at least hear something. Anyone ever try this?