
Can you actually ovulate twice in one month (a week and a half apart?)?

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my periods are almost always irregular... (they usually vary from 28-31 days to as much as 35 days..)

i was pretty sure that i ovulated earlier this month like around day 14 because of the discharge i had. we had s*x on day 16 or so..

i'm expecting my period now in another 2-3 days and today i had lots of discharge again just like before (had s*x today too) (the discharge was there before s*x, it wasn't BECAUSE of having s*x..)

i'm just confused about this happening twice in the same month?

if it's impossible to ovulate twice and i am not ovulating this late, then what is it & what caused it? (both times it was the stringy type discharge.. sry if TMI)

i just haven't had this happen before so i have no idea... any help is appreciated! thanks!




  1. No you do not ovulate twice in one cycle.  You can ovulate twice in one month if it's two different cycles involved.

    But from what you're describing it sounds like the same cycle, so no, it wouldn't be two ovulations.  Fraternal twins are made when two eggs are released, within 24 hours of each other, but it's considered the SAME ovulation.

    There's two possibilities here.... 1) you geared up to O the first time and didn't, so now your body is attempting to do it again or 2) you're getting patchy EWCM, which some women get before their period.

    Without temping, you don't know for sure if/when you ovulated so it's hard to say for sure what's going on.  If your period doesn't show on time and you test negative, that could mean that you're Oing now and your period will be 2 weeks later.

    I would definitely test though in a few days if your period doesn't show.

    Good luck.

  2. An egg survives for only about 12-24 hours after ovulation. But the sperm can survive inside you for around 3 days. So if you ovulated on CD14, then the best days for you to have had baby-making s*x would have been CD12, CD13 and CD14 itself.

    The large amount of discharge could be a sign of approaching period, sorry. Some women are also said to have increased discharge from early pregnancy itself, but it is not an indication by itself.

    Take a test with first morning urine when your period is actually late.

  3. Yes you can ovulate twice in the same month.  I know some fraternal twins that were conceived a week apart due to this.  Pregnancy or a period coming soon can also cause an increase of discharge.

    Good Luck!

  4. if you had your ovulation on day 14 and had s*x on day 16, chances are that you might be pregnant.  wait 5 more days and take a test.  good luck

    and if you're not pregnant, for next time, have s*x only 3 days after that the ovulation discharge have stopped.

  5. i dnt know abt this in detail or technicals but my fren use to get her periods  twice a month .not always but sometimes

  6. Some women have ewcm when they are preggo around their period. The first time you saw you would have been perfect timing for the big o and now could be a baby.Take a hpt! Good luck!

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