
Can you actually see a flea?

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Can you actually see a flea?




  1. Yes of Course. Do you need to know how to get rid of them or are you trying to pervent them? To pervent them you can give them a month to month treatment. You can give them drops between there shoulder blades. This will keep them from getting to it. To get rid of them you can give the proper perscibed mediciane and to get rid of them inside your home you can use either a flea bomb or spray/gas. If there on your furniture or items you cant wash such as quilts or teddy bears you could but them in a trash bag for about 3 days this will kill them. Fleas can not make it through a wash cycle either. I would suggest keeping your cat in a different room until there all dead to keep them from getting to the rest of your house.

    Hope this helps.


  2. umm yes you can;

    it is far eaiser to see in white or light colored fur and coat;

    in dark it is quite difficult;

    they look like little "pebbles" they move quickly and trust me; you must be carefull because they jump far distances and really fast :)

  3. Yes you can, they look like itty bitty pebbles, black and can jump like crazy!!!

  4. Yes, they're just a little smaller than a sesame seed.  More like a flax seed in shape and width.  You can definately see them.

    Try combing the cat's fur, and checking in the fur that accumulates on the comb after a few strokes on the cat.  If you have a close tined comb chances are you'll see a flea if the cat has fleas, especially if you've combed the shoulder and hip area on the cat.

  5. Yeah, they're a little smaller than a gnat. But, with an arched back. And they can jump like h** good luck trying to kill one with your hand.

  6. Yes!

  7. Yes, they're small and black and jump really high

  8. yes

  9. yes it look like a piece of black dirt or squashed currant  

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