
Can you actually travel to alternate dimensions?

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And go to alien worlds not in our universe? Like in the science fiction books.




  1. anything is possible if we put our mind to it.  Actually, we don't even have the correct grasp of time and space to even fathom inter-dimensional travel.  To put it short, we're not there yet so I can't answer your question accurately.

  2. Nope, not that we know of.

  3. alternate would are a posobility. ther are manny theolagists who beleve it is the only posopbility. personaly i think its a load of c**p.

  4. What would be required here is: a full understanding of Einstein's general relativity and that of quantum mechanics. Thus, a unified theory of all 4, maybe 5, forces that orchestrate the nature of the universe.  Such knowedge would allow for the understanding and manipulation of higher-order dimensions.  There is some reason, evidence, to suggest that man has already achieved this---highly classified---the general public will not be made aware of this for many life times to come, if ever.  My theory, the development of a unified theory of everything was achieved based upon reverse engineering alien UFO technology.  Current science and technology is likely many hundreds of years away from obtaining a UTE (unitied theory of everything).

    Watch the patterns of what appears to be fantastic breakthroughts, then consider that these things are based upon conventional "unclassified" data.  Government research typical stays around 15 to 20 years ahead of developments known to the general public.  As such, what they are doing is unfolding their "classified secrets" in such fashion that the public don't question the origin of these unconventional technologies.

  5. Only if you learn how to go faster then the speed of light

  6. ...


    u can't...

    maybe you can become rich if u figure out how to do it...

    LOL... not going to happen...

  7. Hmmm... I think believe by dimension you mean a place with different physical laws then our universe. 1st off going there would probably mean death as the processes of your body rely on those physical laws so changing them would render pats of your body useless. Maybe if we were able to bring our physical laws with us... like putting a bubble of our dimension around whatever craft you are using, then we would able to survive the journey. However, I doubt going there would be possible as I don't believe other possible dimensions really affect this universe unless you are talking about spacial dimensions and time which don't contain other universes. If they don't affect us in any way than there is no way to interact with them.

    If you mean realities (universes with same physical laws but different outcomes of events) than I would say no, but it would be more likely than going to another dimension. Every time you have heard of people going to another dimension in a book or on TV it was probably made up to suit the plot... no scientific basis.

  8. Einstein was once puzzled by this question.  He noticed that during an eclipse you can still see light around an object that is the same size is the light source.  He thought that if light can bend around the planet or whatever it was then there must be some bending in the universe.  Einstein and Stephen Hawkings were and are at the forefront of this part of physics called theoretical physics.  Einstein thought that if we could find one of these "wormholes" we can travel to one of these multiverses.  I also like the bubble theory that you can find on the link below.

  9. How about... no.

    there is a difference between TV and real life.

    I always wanted a blonde genie... instead I got a subscription to Playboy... not even a close second.

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