
Can you adopt a child if you are single,female, and under 24?

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Hi,I am an 18 year old,female.I have been very interrested in adoption for years.Yes,I know...I am young,but it is definintly something I want to do before I am in my mid-20's.I have the funds to adopt a child,and I know what it takes to real question is.....IS IT POSSIBLE TO ADOPT WHEN YOU ARE SINGLE,FEMALE,AND UNDER 21,24,25???????Thanks*




  1. it is possible to adopt a child but the question is do the people think are you fit to adopt a child. its going to take alot of obsticales to adopt a child, you got to have a job, you got to have your own house, you got to have a back up plan for an emergency its a lot of things you got to complete before they let anybody have one of they childs. and then its probaly more that they want you to do since your not a mother, parenting classes is a must its certain citeria you got to meet. but i want to wish you the best on that you will be a good mother for a child you adopt good luck girl i have faith in you

  2. I think what you want is great, but it's always better to raise a child with a partner. That way, it's not as exausting!

  3. Why would you want that.....think it through first....consider the downsides thoroughly. You're too young for it.

  4. Most girls don't want to become mothers so young and you want to adopt...congratulations on the way you think and feel but what you want is very very difficult.Some women have all the qualifications to adopt but in spite of this they wait for years.Of course you must be an adult before you adopt.

  5. you need to be 21 to adopt but keep trying. and yes you can adopt if you are single

  6. Find your self a husband and have children together then later when they are it.  You'd be making a big mistake!

    Sponsor children through WORLD VISION or the sort.  

    Another suggestion try being a foster parent.  If possible.  Then you'll have a more realistic idea.

  7. Theoretically, it is possible, but you'd have to have a stable work history.  Working two jobs would probably present a problem as you'd be unable to be with your child in the beginning.  You probably have a better chance if you go to either college or a trade school so you have a career that will support a family.  It isn't the initial costs, though they are often high, but what you can provide for a child in terms of time, resources, and the like.  You'd have to show that you have family support and a plan in case something happened to you.  Most agencies would prefer you to be at least 21 and established.  You don't need to own your own home but do need a clean, safe place to rear a child.  Agencies are looking for the best place for a child, not to provide a child for someone who wants one.  Good luck.

  8. You could potentially qualify for adoption. What could disqualify you is not your age or gender, though. That being said, provided you did qualify, most adoption agencies (if not all) basically get pictures and information of you, and the parents looking to give their child up for adoption choose whom they want to be the new parent. That being said, it would be tough for a young 20-something woman to compete against a married couple. But, if you want to adopt, then give it a try, see what happens.

    You can also call any adoption agency for questions, I did once and got all kinds of useful info from them. Good luck!

  9. u have to meet other criteria first other than just money so U might be able to just depends on the agency

  10. I think if it's a relative adoption, you can adopt at 18. You'd have to check out your local laws, though.

  11. ye sin america it is

  12. yes you can! As long as you are 18 and have a steady income, and pass a drug test....You can do it!

    BUT I recomend that you try to be a foster parent first, that way they will see how good of a parent you can be, and it wont take as long to get a child!

  13. if you qualify. youre too young though

  14. Well that nice that u would like to adopted but you are to young to do so they nay say that to!!!

  15. yuo have to be over 21 and yes if your single and female you can do all domestic but only some ofthe countries international!adoption is a great thing good luck!

  16. Yes in UK, as long as you meet other criteria.

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