
Can you adopt a foster child if you have a hot check on your record?

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Can you adopt a foster child if you have a hot check on your record?




  1. Do you mean a fraudulent check, or a bounced check?

    Almost the whole adult world has bounced a check at some point in their lives.  Yes, you can certainly adopt if you've done so!

    However, if you passed a fraudulent check (i.e. on a closed account, or forged someone's signature), depending on the amount, it may be considered a criminal record, and that would certainly be a problem.  If it happened when you were 20 years old, and you're now 40, and there have never been any other issues, it might be okay, especially if the check amount was very small.

  2. hey, at first i thought yousaid HOt CHICK!  he he.

    sorry but i don't think they want like criminals to adopt kids

  3. Absolutely, i was just reading about child predators who adopted, so I'm sure a hot check will be no problem as long as you have the $$ to pay the agency or lawyer. Its all about the money, if you've got it, chances are you can adopt.

    <insert irked smilely here> sad but true.

  4. if you are a foster parent all ready. then you have already had all the cheques done as you Carnot foster till this is done as it is law. so i can't see any problems to you adopting the child. unless your age has something to do with it. ore they want a younger couple to adopt the child but good luck any way.

  5. What is a hot check?

  6. If you have a blood or marriage relationship.  Depends on the state, though.

  7. i dont think you can

  8. I don't know what a hot check is.  If you mean that you have a criminal record, in Canada you can still possibly adopt a child, but you have to go through a lot longer of wait, a longer process, and of course, it depends on what you did.  For example, if you smoked pot before it was decriminalized, and you did so when you were 20 and you are now 30, they would probably let you still adopt.  If you murdered someone, had problems with child p**n, were involved in a crime ring etc etc, they would not let you adopt.

  9. How long ago was the conviction?  If it was last year, you may have issues.  If it was 1998, you are probably OK.

  10. felons cannot is it a felony.     cjhs

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