
Can you adopt children outside of your site and do you know of any resources for info?

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Can you adopt children outside of your site and do you know of any resources for info?




  1. I believe you mean state.  Yes, it is possible to adopt children outside of your state.  We did this.  You do need to go through an additional process call the "interstate compact" so that both states approve the adoption, but it isn't typically a major ordeal.  

    You may want to check with a local adoption agency for additional information regarding your state's requirements or search on the internet for "interstate compact" and your state name.

    Good luck.

  2. Site? Do you mean state? If so, yes

    Domestic private adoption and state adoption across state lines is very common. Most agencies work with several or all states. You go through a state process called ICPC to make sure both states laws are followed correctly. You can find these laws by state at

    Are you interested in state adoption or private? Let me know and I can give you more info.

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