
Can you advice me about having motivation for studying for SAT?

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I am a high school student, and am not American;I have been studying in International schools for years now, and because I have lived abroad, it is impossible for me to enter universities in my country (It is really hard for people who havent been abroad, so for me it is impossible). I am going to be graduated from an American school, and every one says I should go and study in America...But SAT seems hard and I cant find any programms or teachers helping me with it in Malaysia, where I currently live...I have to study for SAT on my own, but I dont seem to have enough motivation at this time...can you advice me?




  1. There are several good books that can help you get ready for the test.  But as far as motivation is concerned, you are the one who has to want to do it.  Many colleges will want to see a SAT score on your application.  Decide which schools you want to apply to, find out their score requirements, and use that as your motivation if you can't find anything else.

    Good luck!

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