
Can you advise me any links about fantasy and folkloristic stories of Ireland?

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I m italian and I think I love these countries and I d like to know more about them and their folkloristic and fantastic stories. I d like to spend one month there to go looking for fairy and fantastic places... I need more informations about where to go when I will come there. And another thing... what do u think about italians?? Will I be welcome there??




  1. Read up on "tír na nóg", it's a very popular story over here.

    Regarding where to go, it depends on what you are looking for on your holiday.

    Italians are more than welcome, It's the Spanish we hate!!

    Edit: to be honest I cant think of any "fairy" places. I guess the first place that comes into my mind is Co. Kerry. Very nice scenery, people and history...there are a few nice woods down there and some castles I think so you just might see a fairy afterall

    In bocca al lupo : )

  2. You could read up on Sinead DeValera's work. She wrote lots of fairytales.

  3. Come on over, have a couple of pints, forget about your troubles.  Italians welcomed!!!

  4. You need a hobby that doesn't make you look like a dungeons and dragons wimp!!!

  5. You can try The Giant’s Causeway. This is located at the northern coast of Northern Ireland, is Ireland’s only World Heritage site.  It has one of the most remarkable rock formations which are made up of 37,000 dark hexagonal shape columns standing beneath the grey cliffs of northern Antrim

    According to a legend, these hexagonal rocks were actually placed by a giant called Finn MacCool.  He placed the rocks there to form a bridge which spans across the sea and reaches the island Staffa in Scotland.    This bridge served as a walkway for the woman he loved who was staying at the island of Staffa.  He provided this walkway for her to get across to him without getting her feet wet

    Since this Giant’s Causeway is a bridge of love, it would be a meaningful to pay a visit. Wouldn’t it also be romantic to walk in this “causeway of love” with your loved one?   I thinks, it would be a lasting experience for  you.

    Hope this helps.  If you need other information, see if this website is helpful.


  7. I catch your drift.You'll be wanting Cork then.LOL

  8. Below is a very comprehensive website on Irish Mythology, check it out - i know the guy who runs it and he knows EVERYTHING!

    Of course Italians will be welcome here, you'll be loved, have no fear!

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