
Can you advise me on identifying 2 British comedians?

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The only info I have is that one died on 19 October 1966 and the other on the same date in 1986




  1. Sorrry no idea!!!!

  2. I think Lenny Bruce is the comedian who died on 19 October 1966.

  3. Think you'll find They are Arthur Haynes and Billy Dainty who both died on the 19th of November in those years

  4. Rowan Atkinson

    Bill Bailey

    Simon Pegg

    Hugh Lawrie (who plays House) Yes he is a Brit.

    to name just a few.

  5. Eric Morcombe and Ernie Wise.


    using the above link i found no one fitting your description had died on those dates, it is the timews online obituaries.

    Sorry, try it for yourself

  7. There's Arthur Haynes who died November 19th 1966 but I can't find anyone from October. Can't find anyone from 1986.

  8. Look it up on wikipedia,there's a massive list of comedians,dead and alive,with dates of birth and death.

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