1. We the people should choose the vice president, I mean it's a prety important job, and if the president dies, he takes over, right?
2. Are the elite powers that be letting global warming take place because the people effected most from it are the 3rd world countries, and who needs them overpopulating the world, right?
3. Is college in America not free and paid by our taxes like in other countries because if that was the case noone would want to join the military?
4. 47 million Americans are uninsured, while other countries have free healthcare, is this because corporations run the U.S., or our healthcare is "waaay better" than everyone elses?
5. Does the media sell the wars and make the presidents, or do we the "the little people" have a say so, really?
6. Is the war on terror, keeping us free, or actually taking more of our rights away?
7. Is Usama "Osama" Bin Laden still hiding in a cave after 7+ years?
8. Is the seat belt law really there to protect us or there to give a cop the right to pull you over and search your car and write you some tickets, I mean I don't see motorcyclist wearing seatbelts, or even helmets and any other protection most of the time, and they don't get pulled over.
9. Oh, and are Obama and Mccain really are last two presidential candidates, comeone, this is what it's come down to?