
Can you all Help Hillary???

by  |  earlier

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Call and email any contacts you have in WV, tell them to vote hillary!!! Hillary needs a big win in

WV. Thank you guys....




  1. Not a chance in h***.

  2. It doesn't matter how far behind Hillary falls, I don't think there is anything to worry about.  She's part of the New World Order and the software that counts the ballots can always be altered to declair her the winner.

    If no one else from now until November voted for her, she could still win if the Elites wated her to.  It's how we're going to make it to our Brave New World.  :-)

  3. If Hillary were a decent candidate, she wouldn't need the help.

  4. I would, but I would rather give myself oral surgery.  OBAMA NATION!!!!

  5. Help --- Youve got to be kidding -- She has no message and it will be business as usual in Washington if she arrives.....

  6. She is a lock for WV without any help from us.  Do you really think that people on Y! Answers have that much pull?  Even if she wins WV she needs to run the table to get the nod.  There are only three senarios that allow her to get the nomination;

    1.  Obama dies/withdrawls - not happening

    2.  She wins narrowly in every remaining primary - unlikely

    3.  She wins by 40% or more in 3/4 of remaining primarys and only loses by 5% or less in the other 1/4 of them.

    I just don't see her winning anymore.

  7. this is why the dems want Ms. Clinton to quit.  the states that are left are all hers.  i bet it's already double digits in WV.

  8. no

  9. I'm still waiting for August. There is still hope forr her

  10. I love john mcain he is my hero and my idol

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