
Can you also use a spermicide foam with your diaphragm.....?

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I have been using the spermicide jelly in the diaphragm and around the rim but I also want to use a spermicide foam as another back up. The box for the foam says safe to use with condoms. I know the diaphragm is made of dry rubber and latex.




  1. honestly whether you feel it or not the spermicide is doing more damage then good it irritates the v****a very badly and makes you more susceptiable to infections. cuz it acts like soapy dishwater. you and wouldnt want that in your v****a would you?

  2. You can easily use both. But the est modern contraception is dual contraception (read below)

  3. In the old days before there were gel spermicides, foam was the method of delivery for diaphragms.  

    It should be fine, but frankly I'd just use more gel than use a secondary spermicide, OR switch to the foam only.  More spermicide isn't necessarily going to work better, it's just going to make a bigger mess and possibly cause a chemical reaction between the two spermicides (and believe me that is NOT someplace you want a chemical reaction happening!).

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