
Can you answer my personal work out question?

by Guest66938  |  earlier

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I am 15 years old and it is common on my dad's side to never have a lot of upper-body strength. At least not compared to lower-body. What are the best work outs I can do to add to my chest?

( Keep in mind i don't wont to be like Schwarzenegger, but when I lift up my shirt i don't want to see my rib cage. And I don't have equipment, besides a bench press, so I need traditional work outs )

So do you know of any work outs?




  1. First off, don't worry about looking like a pro bodybuilder. It takes YEARS to look like that... it's not like you're gonna wake up one day and be like "oh ****! I look like the governator!"

    For your chest, there is obviously the bench press. Push Ups are good too (add weight for a nice challenge). Dumbbell flyes work. Pull ups/Chin Ups will also help build up your back and your arms. Dead lifts will work almost everything in your body, and will help raise your testosterone which will make everything else more productive.  

  2. Benching, pullovers, squats, Rows.

  3. bench press, military press, curls, pull-ups, dumbbell fly, inclined bench, declined bench, clean and jerk, clean and hang, tricep curls, clean pull, dumbbell curls, dumbbell press, dips, push ups etc.... if you don't know what all of these exercises are go to youtube and look

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