
Can you answer my question about growing corn?

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Can you produce seed corn from hybrid corn so you can continually grow year after year even if supplies get real low?




  1. I would say not.Even if that were possible,the ground would eventually become stripped of nourishment.You would need to plant corn in different areas,to sustain the quality.But I don't see corn ever becoming scarce.It's grown all over the world.

  2. Be careful with planting any seeds from hybrid plants as they don't grow true to form.  The seeds may germinate but may be sterile, deformed or what not.

    Corn is a heavy feeder, so you will need to give the corn lots of nitrogen to grow.

    There are some heirloom corn varieties in the Southwest.  Some of the Indian nations plant heirloom corn year after year.  You may want to google that.

  3. It doesn't work very well, the big seed companies engineer the seeds so the corn kernels they produce are sterile. You can get seed from specialty catalogs that are not sterilized and will produce seed for next year's crop, but their yield is smaller. I'm curious, how did you add details to your question? I haven't been able to do that after the fact. Thanks

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