
Can you answer one of these questions??

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1. How can I find purpose in my life?

2. How can I find peace?

3. How can I deal with past mistakes?

4. How can I really change?




  1. 3. If you want to deal with past mistakes, I suggest you to learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself from doing mistakes. All human beings make mistake, so do you.

    2. This is a tricky question. Finding peace is not an easy thing to do, unless you want to become a monk or someone who totally give up the social life and only believe in God or Buddha or some other gods.

    1. Finding purpose in your life..hmm.. Well, what do you want to do? Think about your education, career, or marriage.

    4. How CAN you really change? I don't know why you want to change yourself. You are all good of being who you are. If your social surrounding can't deal it , that's their problem. You have to give cheer at yourself and say " I am made of who I am !!" YAY!!

  2. Hi Emmanuel,

    1. You won't just find a purpose in life - you have to look within yourelf and what's meaningful to you - and GIVE yourself a purpose in life.

    2. You can find peace in knowing that you do the best for yourself and towards your fellow man.

    3. Recognize the positive from your past mistakes - what you have learned from them - in order not to repeat them.

    4. You have to really want to change. You have to be willing to help yourself before anyone else can help you. Look at changing your habits, your routine, and most of all ~ your outlook. If you put positive energy out, you get positive energy back.

    best wishes.

  3. The answer to these questions is different for everyone.I can give you my answers but that doesn't mean that you will agree with them.

    1.If you don't have a purpose than the only one can be to live,make others happy or try and save the world of Global Warming,warn people ,etc or promote bands,movies,etc.

    2.You can find peace by living in a world with no problems or just listening to good music or waking up at 12.00 p.m. it really depends how you relax.

    3.Just forget about them or try to ''repair'' them it really depends on the mistake.

    4.You can change when you feel it,if you don't you really don't need it but If you want it that bad find a new social circle this can change you really fast.

    So this is a shortened version of my thoughts if you really want to hear more send me an e-mail or something

  4. With a rock

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