
Can you answer these hockey questions to waste some time???!!!???

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1) If played for a specific NHL team, would you wear their logo apparel during your off time? What about wearing your own jersey to go grocery shopping?

2) If they televised a game between the east conference scouts and the western conference scouts, would ratings in Canada be better than a Thrashers vs. Detroit game? Which scouts would win?

3) You find the man/woman of your dreams. You guys go to “meet the parents”, and His/her father answers the door wearing a shirt that says, “I still love Alan Eagleson.” Do you instantly start questioning your relationship?

4) Coaches and players that are verbally improper when speaking of others in the NHL can be fined. If a player or coach were to use sign-language when replying to the media to say how they really feel about a specific referee, do you think that he could be fined?

5) When watching a reg. season game on TV, what do you do immediately after the game is over?




  1. 1.heck yeah... I'm a team player

    2. I dunno.

    3. No one would wear that, that's silly... heck yeah I'd question.

    4. in the USA yeah, that's symbolic Speach which is protected unless profane under the first amendment of the USA Constitution... he could have a legal issue with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) if they don't blur it out.

    5. continue drinking stout. throw darts.

  2. 1. No.. I don't think hockey players do that!

    2. Lower rating but the eastern confrence would win!

    3. LOL!  Nah... Thats the dad not him!

    4. No... most people wouldn,t even understand what he said!

    5. Come on here obviously... lol!!!! then call my friend!

  3. 1. i'd wear small things... a hat, a t-shirt here and there, when its cold maybe a wind beaker. jersey, no

    2. easter would win.

    3. i start questioning if we are actually at her house, or a mental hospital.

    4. i think anyone should have a right to make any signs that they please.

    5. immediately after, i usually turn off the tv, unless theres a good post-game show

  4. No way. I'd play it cool and let people recognize me.

    I think so, people love watching crazy stuff on tv. I'll go with Western Conference.

    I'd know what to get him for x-mas.... A matching, I love Don King sweater.

    I'm sure they'd come up with a "Sean Avery" type rule barring it right away.

    Finish my beer and wake up my girlfriend... lol

  5. 1. Yeah I would definitely wear team apparel all the time. My own jersey grocery shopping though, I doubt it.

    2. Probably they would be better, who cares about the Thrashers?? West would win I think, look at the talent thats been building over there.

    3. I have no idea who that is, maybe I'm too young?

    4. No way Jose, only deaf people can understand that, and why would a deaf person be watching T.V. Just kidding, I think that could be reasonable if someone that knew sign language found it offensive then yes.

    5. Go online and look at the box score, other games, take a poll or two, then go to my teams website looking for news, and eventually find my way to the T.V. and watch ESPN.

  6. 1. i'd wear logo apparel, just not a jersey because that's kinda being full of yourself.

    2. Yes and the western scouts would win

    3. no, but thats a little q***r

    4. no because they are nonverbally speaking, i think

    5. normally go to bed, because i have school. but i am at most games so after those games i go home and listen to the postgame on the radio with my dad

  7. 1) Maybe. At times. I think I would most likely wear the company stuff that is supplying my gear.

    2) Actually. They might tie in ratings. I think the West Scouts would win. Just a feeling

    3)I question the wearer of the shirt not the guy I am with.

    4)Yes I think they can.

    5)Watch the post game stuff.

  8. 1. probably not, unless it was for some public function

    2. ?

    3. no, but I would ask if he is a Leafs fan. That would determine a lot.

    4. hahaha yes, it is an official language

    5. turn to ESPN for scores

  9. 1 id make my own clothing line like ovechkins

    2 the eastern scouts, with a lower rating

    3 i pretend i dont know anything about it

    4 no, cause how are deaf ppl supposed to understand it then

    5 i go online

  10. I would play for the Avs and no i wouldn't

    I don't think the ratings would be good but I would want to the West side Scouts to win


    Ha ha I would want to see that. no I don't think he would be fined

    Go to the bathroom

  11. 1 - Sure.  Jersey would depend on the weather - i.e. if it's too hot out, no.

    2 - I think the eastern conference scouts would win.  The ratings would be dependent on the announcers.  If it's Don Cherry or Gary Thorne, good.  If it's the Ducks or Kings announcer, zzzzzz... even my 8 year old son can't stand either of them.

    3 - I'd wonder where he got the shirt... and hide my checkbook

    4 - Depends on the sign.  Wasn't the last hearing-impaired player Jim Kyte?

    5 - Usually go to bed (if it's a night game).

  12. 1) i'd probably wear the logo, i'm sure i'd be proud enough to be on the team for me to want to wear their logo.. the jersey would be a bit awkward though lol. i feel like that would make people think you were being full of yourself. i might wear another persons jersey on the team though, if i thought they played awesome

    2) hmmm.. i dunnno

    3) no. haha, he had a lot of careers though..

    4) yeahh, just because he's not verbally saying it, he's still saying it lol

    5) if we win, i get up a do my happy dance lmao

    but i usually come down on the computer, or text people to talk about the game.

  13. 1. yeah sure, no jersey though!

    2. not sure

    3. quite possibly

    4. only if they knew what he was saying

    5. I was at most of the games and the hawks werent all televised if it was late i'd probably go to bed or clean my room which somehow is messy after i clean it

  14. 1) I would wear some Logo Apparel during the off time, but idk if i'd wear my jersey...'cuz that kinda like screams attention

    2) Western

    3) Don't know who that is lol

    4) Lol actions sometimes speaks louder than words

    5) Nothing watch Red Wings live lol.

  15. 1) I would wear apparrel but I would refrain from wearing the sweater unless it was something like an autograph signing thing.

    2) The ratings in the US would be better than any Thrashers game.  The West would win.

    3) I'd just shake my head and keep going on.

    4) Yes.

    5) See what else is on TV.  If it was a tough loss, I wash whatever shirt I was wearing.

  16. 1. Maybe a shirt here and there, not a lot though. And definately not.

    2. Probably. Hmm..East.

    3. Oh God..

    4. Probably.

    5. School Night/Hockey the next morning- Brush my teethies and go to bed. No school/hockey-Probably just watch the post game show.

  17. 1. Probably not, but if it was those large baggy shirts I would wear them around my house because they are very comfortable. I used to have one but it was in horrible condition. I'm pretty sure my mom threw it out but she claims otherwise.

    2. Western, they have the Detroit Red Wings scouts on their side!

    3. No clue who Alan Eagleson is.

    4. Probably, if someone could actually understand it.

    5. Usually the dishes because we eat at 7 when Leaf games usually start, and I don't want to miss the game so I always do the dishes after the game.

  18. 1.) High school and college kids do it, so I would want to also!  But that would draw a lot of attention to me and rabid fans would be kind of annoying.  Then again, since no NHL player actually wears their own jersey in public, and if I do it people might not think I'm that NHL player!

    2.) Hopefully ratings won't be as good!  As big of a hockey fan as I am, I would not watch scouts playing each other. lol  Eastern scouts FTW!

    3.) Yes!  He was a dictator!

    4.) Nope.  Because nobody will know what he's saying.  That's why when I say mean things to people I say it in Chinese. :-)

    5.) I watch the post game and then call my brother in college to talk about it (if they won).

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