
Can you answer these imaginary hockey questions (Part 1)???!!!???

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You ding-a-ling! You broke your wrist trying to lift a heavy object into your vehicle. You get to the Urgent Care Clinic & Marc Andre-Fleury is also sitting in the waiting room. You tell him that you are a fan. He asks if you want to go outside & play some basketball. You find this strange, but agree to join him. Only able to use one hand, you go for the 3 pointer, & the ball slips off of you fingers, & you accidentally slam the ball into Marc’s face. He starts to cry. What do you do?

You order some flowers from a florist, & have them sent to your best friend in Florida because she just got a rock’in promotion. She was going to move, but since the big raise, she has decided stay in the Sunshine State. Vincent Lecavalier ends up receiving the flowers. Through help of the florist, he contacts you and explains those were the only flowers he has ever received by anyone. Then he asks if he can meet you sometime. It seems somewhat stalker-ish. Meet up with him or blow off?




  1. 1) i would probably hug him. he's my favorite goalie and i'd feel really bad.... i'd go all motherly on him and get him ice.... lmao oh goddddd... and did you just call me a ding-a-ling?!

    2) he donated a bunch of money to a childrens hospital, didn't he? for kids with cancer, i think... i'd visit him and hug him, just for doing that.

  2. 1. I'd probably get an ice pack or something and make sure he's alright. I'd be laughing hysterically in my mind though.

    2. Are you serious, I'd meet up with him. Love or hate the guy, I don't think it's right to pass up the opportunity to meet such an amazing player.

  3. 1. Laugh my a$$ off at him and call him a p***y and ponder why he even has the right to call himself a hockey player.

    2. Meet up with him and tell him about a great business idea I have and see if hes interested in investing.  And get a couple autographs too.

  4. 1. I get him an ice pack and apologize a million times, while trying not to laugh.

    2. I go and hang out with him but I bring someone along.

  5. 1. I laugh, admit that I'm a Wings fan, and run like h**l.

    2. I meet up with him and ask for his autograph.  Then I kick him in the nuts, admit the flowers weren't for him, and run like h**l.

  6. 1. walk away pretend that i never met him

    2.  i would say im a dude but i would be happy if he sent me an autograph

  7. 1. I would help him, then laugh my head off later(if he was okay)

    2. I would say "sorry I think you have the wrong number" and put down the phone.

  8. 1. I'd laugh at him and call him that five letter name we use for cats.

    2. I'd kick his Lightning jersey wearing butt for ousting the Flyers from the playoffs.

  9. I hug Fleury and say "im so so sorry about this and about the goal that gave the Red Wings the cup. By the way is their any amount of money i can pay you to have Sidney Crosby's phone number."

    I meet him and slap him. Just for fun!!

  10. 1. I don't think I'd break my wrist because I would probably ask someone to help me put it in the trunk ;) But if I did, I would laugh if he started to cry, and take a picture with my phone

    2. That would seem kinda creepy, but I'd meet him.

  11. 1.) I'd comfort him and make him feel better.  Maybe my act of kindness will encourage him to pay for my hospital bill :P

    2.) Of course I'd meet him!  He's Vincent Lecavalier!!  We'll ride in his Porsche Spyder over to your place :-D

    *You just so happen to have picked my two favorite non-Devils players :P

  12. 1) I would see if Marc is alright, Maybe a hug is in order. Maybe ask if he wants me to kiss the boo boo and make it better. Hey, he is gonna act like a baby, he will get treated like one

    2)I would go and meet him. What the heck.

  13. Make sure he's okay while secretly laughing at him.  You never know it might just make your bond stronger and help you get some free tickets.  

    Definitely go, the man's gonna be paid more money then it is safe to count I definitely want to get in on that.

  14. 1. I'll be trying so hard not to laugh and I would ask if he's ok...... and maybe get him some ice!

    2.  I would so meet up with him! And I would make sure I send  my friend another set of flowers!

  15. LMAO at him, then pick up the ball shoot for the win and tell him, you lost to Detroit off your A$$ and to J.O' off of your face.

    Congrats Homes....I'd make Vinny met me at your house, so I could congratulate you on your raise, and have a witness in case he had other ideas.

  16. 1) I give him my cell phone so he can call his mommy

    2) I ask if he's buying the beer

  17. 1) I'd feel pretty bad...then in 5 years we could laugh it off.....i hope..

    2) I'd meet him...just to brag to my friends

  18. 1. Laugh at him and tell him to toughen up before hockey season starts.

    2. Meet with him.... He's rich he can stalk me.

  19. Haley !!! Take another look. Do I look like I do anything with heavy objects? OK, I reach up and punch him in the knee cap, tell him to man up before I use that speed bag.

    I'd give Vinny your address and tell him to foreward those flowers forthwith. AND NO FUNNY STUFF, those babies are from me.

    (whoot, cme's gonna score with an American chick)

  20. For the Fleury question, I'd get him an ice pack and comfort him...

    For the Lecavalier question, I'd think about hanging out with him...

  21. 1.) Poor child! I'd take him inside the hospital, while telling him that he never should have asked me to play basketball in the first place.

    2.) I'd meet up with him, but I'd bring a friend too.

  22. 1. i would run before max talbot comes to kick my butt

    2. i would not not meet up with him, because he would probably hit on me...

  23. 1. I give him a big fan, as I laugh inside my head, thinking WTF just happened!

    2. Meet up with him, wouldn't pass that chance!

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