
Can you answer these questions for me?

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What do you feel about g*y,bi,L*****n and transgender rights? Please take some time to answer my questions

1. Do you agree with homosexuality?

2. Would you be friends with a g*y person?

3. Do you agree g*y people should be allowed to get married?

4. Have children or adopt?

5. Do you think that love between a man and a woman is superior?

6. What would you feel if your son or daughter told you they were g*y?

7. Do you think its ok for children to know about homosexuality? Should they be 'shielded' from it?

8. Is it ok if they watch two men or two women kissing on tv, even if they already watch two people of opposite sexes kissing?

9. Do you see homosexuality as a choice or decision a person makes? 10. Do you think homosexuality occurs naturally, bearing in mind that surveys show it occurs in hundreds of tested species from ducks to gut worms? Or is unnatural- a disease, or something 'gone wrong' in the person's genes?

11. (for straight people only) Do you feel afraid around a g*y person in case they fancy you?

12. Have you ever teased/bullied someone for being g*y, or acting or looking like a 'poof' or a L*****n (in your opinion of course)

13. If you passed a club for the LBGT community, and inside you saw a person, obviously formerly a man, dressed as a woman, what would you opinion be- live and let live or 'freak.' If a friend of yours who was connected with the club invited you in, would you feel totally embarrassed or cool about it?

14. If your grown up child told you they were visiting a club like this would you worry for their safety, or of being 'drawn in?'

15. If I told you one of a pair of men were g*y and showed you pictures of a butch, muscle bound rugby player, and a slim, colourful fashion designer which would you pick?




  1. 1- wat do u mean by do u agree wit homosexuality?

    2-im friends with tons of g*y guys

    3-im all for g*y marriage as long as they love each other.

    4-wat?..a g*y couple cant have kids..

    5-no, I dont think straight love is superior than g*y love.

    6-I wouldnt mind, im sure id still love my child

    7-i dont find anything wrong with kids knowing about homosexuality

    8-i think that would be the parents choice anyways, g*y or not.

    9-i dont see it as a choice or decision, u cant wake up n decide ur gonna be g*y.

    10-its in the persons mind. ^^

    11-no!, id be flattered, lol

    12-i tease my lil brother i.e "omg, ur g*y"..but just playful

    13-id be cool with it, wats the problem??

    14-i wouldnt wory bout anyting, just their safety, in general.

    15-i dont understand the question.

    wats all the questions for anyways??..u dont like g**s??

  2. 1.  I accept homosexuality as a reality of the human condition.  I don't think g**s should be treated as second class citizens.

    2.  Yes.  I've had g*y friends.  It's not that big of a deal.

    3.  Yes.  It's called civil rights.

    4.  Yes.  Many orphans await good homes.

    5.  No.  

    6.  Confused as to why they turned out to be g*y.  I'd talk to them about it but I'd ever never stop accepting them.

    7.  Sure.  They're bound to find out sooner or later.  Awareness of homosexuality isn't traumatizing.

    8.  Sure.  There are much worse things to be seen on tv than kissing.

    9.  I think the question of whether it is a choice, inborn or some combination of the two is irrelevant.

    10.  It's natural.  Science shows this..

    11.  Not afraid.  But I'm a little uncomfortable with a man fancying me.  I'm 100% straight.

    12. No.  Bullying is a waste of time.

    13. Live and let live.  I have no reason to personally go to a g*y bar.

    14.  I wouldn't worry for their safety, but I'd suspect them of being g*y.

    15.  Which one would I pick for what purpose?

  3. Wow, lots of questions.  I'll try my best.

    1.  Neither agree or disagree.  Homosexuality is a fact of life for some people and they can't change it.

    2.  I have a few friends who are g*y/L*****n.  I pick my friends based on their character, not their sexual orientation.

    3.  Lot of mixed feelings on that one.  I guess it would be okay as long as churches weren't compelled to marry a g*y/L*****n couple and it didn't open the door to bigamous, polygamous, or incestuous marriages.

    4.  Yes.  I had a friend in the Navy who was raised by his g*y uncle and turned out fine.  g*y/lesbians who want to adopt should be judged on the same standards as straight people.

    5.  No.  Love is love and doesn't matter what sexual orientation the person is.

    6.  No kids yet.  If I did and one told me they might be, I might consider having them see a counselor to be sure they're not confused about their orientation or if it's a serious issue with them, but I would support them.

    7.  At the appropriate age.  They're going to learn sooner or later.  I'd tell them that's just the way some people are.

    8.  Neutral.  It's a part of human nature and there's much worse shows for them to watch.

    9.  For true homosexuals, it's not a choice.

    10.  It's hard to say if it's naturally occuring or an abnormality.  Regardless, it's beyond a person's control and not a disease.

    11.  Only if that person is being obnoxious about it.

    12.  I did when I was younger.  Now, I'd do it in good fun  to people I know well.  I don't do it to people I know who are g*y, unless I know they can take a joke about it.

    13.  Been in those clubs and talked to a few trans woman.  Some of them are actually only into women.  I'm also a crossdresser, but I don't take it as far as fully dressing like a woman.  No issues there.

    14.  Wouldn't bother me in the slightest, so long as they weren't getting into any kind of trouble.

    15.  Hard to say.  I have met very rugged and masculine g*y men as well as slim and effeminate straight men.

  4. This is probably not the best section to get your answers in, but Im happy to answer them.

    1. I dont agree nor disagree; homosexuality just is.

    2. Im already friends with g*y people.

    3. g*y people should be allowed to do what everyone else does.

    4. Same with children and adoption.

    5. No, its just more common.

    6. It wouldnt bother me.

    7. Homosexuality is everywhere. For children to know about it, its not bad.

    8. Thats fine.

    9. Its not a choice but some people choose to suppress it.

    10. Occurs naturally.

    11. Nah not afraid of people fancying me. A guy gave me the eye when I was buying a drink on the weekend. My girlfriend and I found it cute and hilarious.

    12. Once I did years ago. I feel bad about it now.

    13. I know heaps of people like that. Deep down theyre very sad and self conscious sensitive people. Im always kind to them.

    14. Nah I dont worry about that.

    15. LOL theyre probably boyfriends :)

  5. 1. Do you agree with homosexuality? Er. Yes

    2. Would you be friends with a g*y person? Yes.

    3. Do you agree g*y people should be allowed to get married? Yes.

    4. Have children or adopt? Yes.

    5. Do you think that love between a man and a woman is superior? yes

    6. What would you feel if your son or daughter told you they were g*y? The same if they told me they were straight..

    7. Do you think its ok for children to know about homosexuality? Yes. Should they be 'shielded' from it? No.

    8. Is it ok if they watch two men or two women kissing on tv, even if they already watch two people of opposite sexes kissing? yes.

    9. Do you see homosexuality as a choice or decision a person makes? It's only a choice to make it public.

    10. Do you think homosexuality occurs naturally, bearing in mind that surveys show it occurs in hundreds of tested species from ducks to gut worms? Or is unnatural- a disease, or something 'gone wrong' in the person's genes? Heterosexuality is disgusting. Joking lol

    11. (for straight people only) Do you feel afraid around a g*y person in case they fancy you?

    12. Have you ever teased/bullied someone for being g*y, or acting or looking like a 'poof' or a L*****n (in your opinion of course)

    13. If you passed a club for the LBGT community, and inside you saw a person, obviously formerly a man, dressed as a woman, what would you opinion be- live and let live or 'freak.' If a friend of yours who was connected with the club invited you in, would you feel totally embarrassed or cool about it? Cool.

    14. If your grown up child told you they were visiting a club like this would you worry for their safety, or of being 'drawn in?' No.

    15. If I told you one of a pair of men were g*y and showed you pictures of a butch, muscle bound rugby player, and a slim, colourful fashion designer which would you pick? A random choice.

  6. 1. I don't see anything wrong with homosexuality.

    2. Yes I am friends with g*y people.

    3. Yes g*y people should be allowed to be married.

    4. Yes g*y people should be allowed to have children and adopt.

    5. No love between a man and a woman is not superior to homosexual love - they are equal.

    6. I wouldn't feel any different towards any child of mine who was g*y.

    7. I think children should be told the truth about g*y relationships.

    8. I have no problem with TV showing g*y kisses.

    9. I don't see homosexuality as a choice or a decision. I don't believe it is anything people can choose.

    10. I think homosexuality must be due to nature with a mixture of nurture.

    11. I don't feel afraid around anyone.

    12. I have never teased anyone for being homosexual.

    13. I have no problem with trans people or g*y bars or trans clubs.

    14. I would have no problem knowing anyone who went to such a place.

    15. I wouldn't know who to pick, I can't tell if someone is g*y by looking at them.  

  7. to answer my questions

    1. Do you agree with homosexuality?

    In what sense?.. I don't believe it is something people need to agree on .. you are or you are not.. end of story.

    2. Would you be friends with a g*y person?

    If not I must hate myself..  (so the answer is of course)

    3. Do you agree g*y people should be allowed to get married?


    4. Have children or adopt?


    5. Do you think that love between a man and a woman is superior?

    h**l no.. I come from a family full of divorced people..

    6. What would you feel if your son or daughter told you they were g*y?

    As I am g*y, therefor will not become pregnant by accident, and have never WANTED to have kids.. this question means nothing to me.

    7. Do you think its ok for children to know about homosexuality? Should they be 'shielded' from it?

    If you shield them from this, they should also be shielded from all of nature... the news , the media in general.. movies..   video games..

    We're not sitting here making out in the streets everyday.. unless these kids are watching g*y p**n there isn't an issue.

    8. Is it ok if they watch two men or two women kissing on tv, even if they already watch two people of opposite sexes kissing?

    It's fine..  When I was 3 I was reading Stephen King..   by 8, most kids have watched people KILLED on screen..  yet no one thinks that's wrong.

    9. Do you see homosexuality as a choice or decision a person makes?

    Both..   I think you either are or you are not., the choice comes in because you CHOOSE to be true to yourself..  I CHOSE to live the way I felt, instead of killing myself..  I think I made the right one.

    10. Do you think homosexuality occurs naturally, bearing in mind that surveys show it occurs in hundreds of tested species from ducks to gut worms? Or is unnatural- a disease, or something 'gone wrong' in the person's genes?

    Natural.. completely natural.

    11. (for straight people only) Do you feel afraid around a g*y person in case they fancy you?

    *rolls eyes but not straight so not saying anything*

    12. Have you ever teased/bullied someone for being g*y, or acting or looking like a 'poof' or a L*****n (in your opinion of course)

    no, but I have been on the other end..(although not "teased/bullied" so much as avoided and shunned)

    13. If you passed a club for the LBGT community, and inside you saw a person, obviously formerly a man, dressed as a woman, what would you opinion be- live and let live or 'freak.' If a friend of yours who was connected with the club invited you in, would you feel totally embarrassed or cool about it?

    Lived in a house full of drag queens..  that is nothing to me.. nothing weird at all

    14. If your grown up child told you they were visiting a club like this would you worry for their safety, or of being 'drawn in?'

    LOL..  once again, no child, never be a child.. but no..

    15. If I told you one of a pair of men were g*y and showed you pictures of a butch, muscle bound rugby player, and a slim, colourful fashion designer which would you pick?

    honestly, more likely the muscle bound guy.. but I know better than to think it's POSSIBLE to be right 100% of the time.  

  8. 1.  cant answer - don't know what agree means; 2. yes. 3 yes; 4 yes;5. cant'answer, don't know what superior means; 6 I would worry that their lives will have some painful times due to their sexual orientation;7 yes;8 -maturity is important when it comes to kids watching;9 not a choice;10 yes - forget the ducks;11 no;12 no; 13 I don't think of people as freaks - Probably, I would feel uncomfortable-I feel uncomfortable going to high class country clubs too - belonging is important to each of us; 14. No; don't think "being drawn in" is what it is all about; and 15. My experience suggests either could be and I would decline to answer the question because it leans toward type casting g*y men as unmanly.

  9. Hi Holly - my, what a lot of questions.  I am straight so from my point of view:

    1. I neither agree or disagree with it.  It is something you can not agree with as it just is.  It, is like the sky is blue and the grass is green, it simply is.

    2.Yes, and I am.  

    3.Yes, why not?  If someone loves someone else they should be allowed to be together.

    4. Yes, if they are both good people then why not?  It is better to have a good g*y couple raise a child than someone who will be the c**p out of them.

    5. No.

    6. I would be 100% behind them - probably a tiniest disappointed at first but still very very supportive.

    7. No, I think we should be open about everything with our children, teach them that there is nothing wrong about it (especially if they are g*y themselves....)

    8. Depends on the age of the child.

    9. No, I do not.

    10. As above, I think it is a naturally occuring thing.

    11. Not really.  I would just tell them the way it is.

    12.  I call  my hubby a poof all the time but that is just a joke.  No one else.

    13. I probably would not think too much of it.  People are who they are.  If a friend invited me in, well I might be a bit embarrassed, not sure really as I have not been in that situation.

    14. No, as a grown up is a grown up and knows what they want.  I would not have control over another grown up.

    15. Ha ha - stereo-typing!  Most would say the fashion designer but you just can not tell!!!

    Phew - that took a while. Hope it helps.

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