
Can you answer this extremely hard hockey question about people?

by  |  earlier

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^^^typo "hearts".




  1. kum - bye - ya.

    ice, you're on my list.

  2. they all like hockey?

  3. We all miss and look forward to Coffee Friday Questions from the Homes-inator!!!!!

  4. We all love hockey and come on Y!A often. Plus we all dislike Bettman.

    I feel so special, being remembered=)

  5. im guessing they all love hockey....

    **iceman it's ok im not their either...

  6. Oh, I know, I know what it is !!!!!! I got the answer right here.

    Yooohoooooo HALEY I got it.

    Sammy hates everyone on the list.

    Am I right or am I right? Gawd I'm good at this.

  7. They are all alive?

  8. Left me off too.

    And all this time I thought I was unforgettable!!

    I'm so hurt! WAHHHH! (lol)

  9. Most of them are knowledgeable about hockeyand very kind

  10. Huh? Thats hard to follow

  11. We all have a crush on Haley Homes and have best answers on one of her questions.

    Hey girl you do need something to keep you busy.

    BTW thanks for point 8001.

    Or just maybe it's a list of people who need to get a life.

  12. It is the names of everybody that spend all day wondering why it took Haley so long to Purchase Anheuser Bush?

  13. We're all HOCKEY FANS, the BEST FANS ON EARTH!!  thanks for remembering me for the list!  :)

  14. They all love hockey and that you have an amazing memory.

    **ICEMAN-Don't do it.....OK if you do can I have your baseball card collection?:)

  15. I'm stumped. :l

    Poor poor iceman :l

  16. That we all think Hockey is the greatest sport in the world!!!!!!

    Oh, and very impressive. lol

  17. It's a list of horrid, savage, bloodthirsty people who enjoy a barbaric sport? ------- at least that's what somebody would say..

  18. Uhhhhh, one of them is the handsomest critter ever to grace the surface of the planet?

  19. Wow we are one big happy Hockey Fam----


  20. I am hurt............ Do I not rate?

  21. we all just spent 10 minutes of our lives trying to see if we're in the list?

  22. OMG CME you are good!!

    Don't worry Iceman not all of us forget you.

  23. they're in alphabetical order, and they all hang on your every hockey word.. and they have all answered questions in the hockey section.

    Never be sad for doing a nice thing, just because someone doesn't think it's nice enough..... 'course I can talk, I'm on the list! lol

  24. They all like hockey and have some free time.

    **Sniff, I feel left out**

    (Icemans Auto Away Message: "Self Esteem Dashed by Anonymous Online Community Favoritism, Taking a Long Run off a Short Pier, Good Bye Cruel World." )

    **(Iceman's Auto Away Message: "Joe B gets my Baseball cards, I want my ashes dumped on Martin Brodeurs cornflakes so I can pay him back for the years of pain he's caused me.)

  25. we all long for our team member's names to be on the stanley cup.

  26. All hockey fans.

    Where is Jacoby and his lv 5 status? I haven't been around as much but come on

  27. I was left off too Tom seems she doesn't like people who have their own poutine recipe

  28. they/we have all answered a coffe friday question or 2??

    Iceman, she's not worth it.

  29. That we were all visible enough for Homes to notice us and spend a good chunk of timing writing out this question?

    ice- if you do decide to jump off the pier, please come to the bay area and try it at pier 39.  Once you see the water you're jumping into, you might just come to a screeching halt!

  30. hey im on there!cool! il ike hockey!baseball,football, basically, just sports

  31. I will guess they all love hockey.....but i am not positive.

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