
Can you answer this questions??? I need it now!!!ASAP,Thanks!?

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1. Distinguish between a strong and weak electrolyte with reference to the degree of dissociation into ions.

2. What makes an electrolyte an electric current conductor when in a solution?




  1. 1. (a) A strong electrolyte completely dissocates into its constituent ions in water (all molecules placed in water dissociate)

    (b) A weak electrolyte only partially dissocate into its constituent ions in water (a few molecules dissocaite others remain undissocaited)

    2. Strong electrolytes produces ions in water which help conduct electicity in water

  2. Actually

    1. (a) A strong electrolyte completely dissocates into its constituent ions in water (all molecules placed in water dissociate)

    (b) A weak electrolyte only partially dissocate into its constituent ions in water (a few molecules dissocaite others remain undissocaited)

    2. Strong electrolytes produces ions in water which help conduct electicity in water

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