
Can you answer those career related Q? they are asking it in my company?

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Career aspirations related to your current occupation.

Career mobility (Do you prefer to remain in the same location or are there other position within the company where you feel you could add value?

Motivators (what keeps you excited about work? what condition are necessary for you to perform at your best?

Strengths (where do I excel? what positive things do people see in you?)

Development needs (What might be getting in the way of achieving your goals and career aspirations.

Personal preferences (what work conditions enable high productivity?




  1. Performance feedback time?

    A change in position in the company you work in can give you a change of scenery...out of a rut.

    What inspires me? Maybe compensate me for long hours worked or part of the "award fees". Company prospers on my sweat....compensate me.

    Provide training so that I can advance within the company. Do you have a 6 sigma quality course? A quality course? Send people to it.

    Motivate me by letting me perform my job where I get satisfaction of helping and achieving mine and the company goals.

    Tell me the outcome which is required and any specifications that are required and let me get there on my own. You can teach monkeys to do specific tasks the way you want them performed. In other words, don't micro manage.

    Provide the goals and requirements of the job position.

    Take care of your people and they will take care of you....and by golly MAKE THE TIME to think about it.

  2. i already answered this question, but after i read "Rudii" answer i totally agree with her. you have to think about it yourself.

  3. I think you should answer these.  It could reflect on your future position at your work and could go in your file.  Be honest, but stay positive and be careful the way you word things.  Don't sound too corny though.  For example, for Question #1 - of course you would want to say that you could add value in other places unless you want to look like a lazy, close minded fool who wants to get laid off.  But use it to your benefit and throw some stuff in that you would really enjoy doing.   Maybe in the future when they see your interest and confidence, you will be given more opportunities.

  4. sorry fel fel , they ask this cause they wanna know how do YOU think, not anybody else...

    its like cheating in an exam which determine your level..

    give your self some time and think deeply and answer them yourself, no one will answer them better than you,

    cause simply no one has your mind

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