
Can you anwser some questions for a summer assigment?

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ok here r the questions

Identify a figure from the USA past whom u feel was a strong leader , choose a time when u feel there leader ship qualities were tested and describe how u think he/she preformed as a leader

tell about 3 present day people who have leadership qualities u want to have and y

thanks guys if u answer these questions it will be a big help i really need an A when i go back to school




  1. for the past president Lincoln would be a good candidate, he held the country together in the civil war and he made slavery illegal. he was a really important person.

    and for the 3 present day people ,look for those who you admire that are leaders, they could be leaders on a big scale level, like a presidential canidate (or the president himself) or someone small, like a person in your community who leads.  

  2. 1. Lord De La Warr

    In the beginning when the first few colonists were being created, the English who traveled were far too engrossed with their search of gold in the New World and were going hungry because of this. Many were dying and the colonists were reduced to eating dogs, cats, rats and mice. Many even, in desperate measures, dug up corpses for food. One man had murdered and attempted to eat is wife. This was the "starving time" winter of 1609-1610.

    Lord De La Warr was met by despaired colonists in the spring of 1610 where he executed a believed to be hopeless attempt as a relief party.  Fortunately, upon entering Jamestown, he imposed a harsh military style regime on the colony to whip them into shape and hunt and grow their food. He also took aggressive military action toward the Indians, achieving what the colonists believed was the impossible. He reaped harvest and disease began to spread... but many colonists at least hadn't gone hungry.

    When conflict rose upon is arrival, he introduced "Irish tactics" against the Powhatan Indians (the tribe of Pocahontas) and allowed a peace settlement to the First Anglo-Powhatan War in 1614 when the first known interracial marriage union was sealed between Powhatan Princess Pocahontas and the agricultural king of Tobacco, John Rolfe.

    2. Condoleezza Rice

    She helped maintain security, fight poverty, and make democratic reforms, overcame discrimination for her race and gender, and she's extremely enthralling and influential (she  has appeared on Time magazine's list of the world's 100 most influential people four times.)

    Dalai Lama

    Millions of people turn to him, he is always wearing a smile amongst the terror, war and turmoil of the violent world of today along with the struggles of Tibet. At 72, he also tries to overcome the mistakes of the human race, believing them to be the most intelligent, but the biggest t trouble for the world today.

    Hu Jintao

    The first Chinese leader after the revolution of communism. He is thoughtful, extremely well prepared and very courteous to those around him and for the Olympics this year, he has managed to astound the world by drastically changing his country to be representable, multilingual and talented at the same time.

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