
Can you appeal more than once at a University?

by Guest65795  |  earlier

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I was placed on academic probation and I did great that semester, but FA went back 10yrs ago and said that I had attempted to many hours and that my GPA would have to be higher. We fast forward to the present, I took 5 classes, because FA said that was the only way they would approve me for assistance and pull up my gpa. She told me I had to retake a class and that I had to make atleast a "b" in that class, two "a's" and the other classes had to be a "b". We'll I'm failing the retake class and I don't have the money to pay for school. I'm a mother of three (14 and 13 yo girls and a 2 yo boy, and I work full time) Is there a possibilty to appeal again or any other forms of paying for college?




  1. Okay, it sounds like you have two issues here.  

    One is the bad GPA.  The other is the too many hours.  You can take and take and retake classes to up your GPA, but if you have too many attempted hours, it doesn't matter what your GPA is.  Too many hours is too many hours!

    It sounds like you need to get this straight with the fa office.  If you up your GPA will it even matter?  If you are currently at a community college, your "Too many attempted hours" will easily be resolved by transferring to a 4 year school.  They obviously will allow more hours because it takes longer to get a bachelors degree than an associates degree.  The key there is getting admitted.  If your GPA stinks, you may have to shop around for a school that will take you.

    Anything can be appealed.  Its just a matter of filling out the paperwork.

    Also, some schools have a policy of getting rid of old attempted entire semesters worth hours with poor grades.  My school i think says they have to be at least 5 years old, and you have to wipe EVERYTHING clean during that time frame.. even classes you may have passed.  You might check your schools catalog to see if they have such a policy.

    Good luck.

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