
Can you apply for food stamps as a student?

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I'm a college student and it's not easy getting cash to buy groceries, especially when you are pay for school out of pocket and our meal plan on the campus are really limited. I heard that if you were a student that you were eligible to apply for food stamps and I was just wondering is that true. If someone knows about this it would really help me alot.




  1. There are restrictions on student participation.  In a nutshell, you are not likely to be eligible unless you are employed a minimum of 20 hours per week, participate in work study, or are a caretaker of a child under age 6.

  2. If you have a low income then yes

  3. Depends on income.

    I suggest going here :

  4. YES! You are eligible for food stamps, even if you're in college. Just go to your local DHHS office (you can call 211, toll free, to find your nearest location). Fill out an application.

    Hope it works out in your favor. :)

    The source link can be a starter, if you'd like to check out more info online.

  5. I asked about that when I was in school and they said that because I was on the meal plan (even if it was only a 10 meal a week plan) that I didn't qualify.. BUT those workers have a tendency to be really lazy and I think she just didn't want to deal with the paperwork.. I would definately apply and see.. If you live off campus, no problem but if you live on campus.. I don't know.. just try.. you won't know till you try.  Also, try the local food banks..and local churches..maybe they can help.. they are a LOT of times a lot more understanding than govt workers are IMAGINE THAT.  If there are no food banks.. see if you can get help with things like rent or car payment or medical bills or whatever so you will have more money for food.

  6. Just apply and find out.  My sister wasn't receiving child support so she applied online. try that.

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