
Can you apply to do jury service????

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Can you apply to do jury service????




  1. Uh, no. Why would you wanna apply for that anyway?

  2. no you can not apply to do jury service

  3. No, they (jury services) calls letter.

  4. No jurors are chosen at random from the electoral roll.

  5. i dont think so. but if u register to vote i guess that you are kind of on the jury list. Trust me u dont wanna go!

  6. Nope.  They'll call you when they want you.

  7. No you cannot.The Electoral Register is used to call people for jury service.If your name is not included on the Register you cannot vote...

  8. No. That would take the random objectivity out of the jury pool. Many states use licensed drivers as their pool of jurors.

  9. er no..u get a letter after the jury electronic system randomly picks you.  soem people go their whole lives without beign picked.

  10. NO! hahaha

  11. No, if you are able to, your district court should be mailing you letters informing you that you have jury duty...otherwise sorry!

  12. Nope, it is ONLY by random selection from the voter registration list. I f you are NOT registered to vote you will not have a chance to be called.

  13. After serving on a Jury, sitting in a room with some 40 others and getting called for one case that ended almost as soon as it had begun, I wrote to the Lord Chancellor's Office asking the same question.

    I got a very curt reply, basically saying 'NO!'

    Don't bother trying.  You could be sitting in a room with 40 others waiting or maybe engaged for weeks on a boring Trial.

  14. No , you have to be chosen. I personally think that anyone having a Police record should be barred from jury service.

    An elderly relative of mine without any Police record who is now past the age for jury service (70 years old) was never selected. I think that is because she is considered to be critical of criminal acts.

  15. no, they have to call you.

  16. No, you have to wait to be called.  Why would you want to do jury service anyway?

  17. nope, they just choose you randomly. usually u can only get out of it if u have a really good reason (lyk if u r in hospital)

  18. No. You have to be called.

    If you have a criminal record they'll never ask....;-)

  19. Not in my county. And not that I have ever heard of. I was on a jury once. It was very interesting. I would love the opportunity to do it again

  20. I don't think so!

    that would make you biased right there

    like the first thing the defence/prosecution is going to wonder is..

    why do they want on the case so bad?

  21. Jury duty is usually drawn from registered voters in your city and county.

  22. Not that I know. This is to prevent a trial by professional jury. The jury is supposed to be made up of ordinary citizens from all walks of life. You, not you exclusively, will represent a certain attitude toward the crime or person/s who committed that crime. Even if you consider yourself 'fair,' you will always have your perspective, and the more you are on a trial, the more you will have a certain perspective. The names for the jury usually come from voters lists in the town you live, or the drivers license bureau, and picked at random. 60 people might be called to show up for jury duty, and out of that 12 will be picked by the attorneys.

  23. dint u ask this Q the other day?  i wouldnt of thought you could but you could always try x

  24. no you have to be selected if you havnt got any criminal convictions

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