
Can you auto trade Forex with United States account?

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Can you auto trade Forex with United States account?




  1. Yes you can auto-trade FX.  I have and lost a ton of money (at first I was doing great!!!!!).  There is no easy way to make money in FX.  Only education and experience will  maybe get you there.

    There are no programs that "work" by eliminating the hard work successful people put in.

  2. forex trading can be done anywhere other than countries blacklisted by mostly all forex platforms and USA is never one of them. but mind you, the forex market is so volatile that it is not thoroughly advisable to rely on auto softwares. most of the time you will lose simply because the data they project to you may not be timely and accurate at all. it is still highly recommended even by most expert forex traders to do the speculative analyses on your own.  you can learn lots of techniques form the people in this site.  learn about the basic strategies for controlling risks while trading Forex.  thy will provide you a personal Account Service Manager who can teach you the basic forecasting methods greatly similar to these auto softwares but being done personally by you and this is where the difference lies. basically, learning to forecast price trends on your own maybe a lot of hardwork but it is thru hardwork that most people succeed. good luck.

  3. I don't see why not.

    If you're interested in a Forex trading system check out Forex Tracer. I found this review:

    It's new but apparently it's selling like crazy.

  4. Yes, you can auto trade forex with a US account.

    Speculating in the financial markets, be it the foreign exchange markets, or the stock markets always entail a certain amount of risk. People who do not have the experience to profit from these markets will have to earn that experience by way of losses from time to time.

  5. Definitely auto trading can be done with United States account but the main requirement is you have to be very cautious while trading. Using market news blindly or just following the dealer can lead you to a dangerous situation. Always try to mold the information into your requirement and analyze yourself about the trades.

    You know better about yourself. The risk tolerance factor, duration, investment amount is different for every user. And the tips provided by the broker is generalized therefore keep your requirements on top and then trade with news.

    I am using Finexo since long and has never faced such problem. Though this is a smooth software which provides timely updates and trading tips yet i follow news only when i make them into my requirement and get it confirmed by their experts. That is the secret of my successful trading career.

    Obviously all this one learns from his own experience after facing heavy downs.

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