
Can you automatically remove cards to summon xyz dragon cannon or vw tiger catapult?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you have to have a helper card?




  1. you must have a helper card or you cannot summon xyz dragon cannon or vw tiger catapult.

  2. yes you can remove them right away. but remember they have to be on the field. you can remove them if they're face-down also (so you can summon xyz dargon cannon if z metal tank is face-down). i think you can also summon them if one of the monsters is an equip card (with its union effect)

  3. Yes, if you have the required fusion monster for it you can immediately choose to remove it from play to summon the desired monster without any helper card eg. polymerization.

  4. yes u can but u need to summon them one at a time

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