
Can you be 11 weeks along. and the kid be 9 weeks pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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my ex says they told her that she is 11 weeks pregnant. but the kid is 9 weeks old. im tryin to figure out if its mine or not?




  1. She is 11 weeks by the first day of her last period.  She is actually about 9 wks pregnant.  That is just how they calculate it.  Very confusing I know.

  2. What the h**l?  If she is referring to her conception date as to why the baby is 9 weeks old, then ok.  Anyways.  Did you have s*x with her 8-10 weeks ago?  If so, yeah bud, its yours.

  3. absolutely

      the length of pregnancy is determined from the first day of the last period but a women technically does not get pregnant until 13-15 days into that cycle.

    The egg is usually fertilized in the 2nd week so while she may have started her period for example on may 1st got pregnant on may 14th  by the time she misses her first period on May 29th she is considered to be 4 weeks or 1 month pregnant.

    *The average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks so about 10 months not 9

    * properly aging the baby is impossible and Can only be estimated within a 2 week range of time since not all women have punctual cycles and ovulation times  .


    In this sittuation because there are so many reasons for a women to be dishonest about the dates and who the father may be . You must get a paternity test.

    You may get one while she is pregnent or wait till after the baby is born.

    Paternity tests are getting cheaper and cheaper each year and you may find it could only cost $250-350 now.

    There are even online site that will do it anonamously  for you and cheaply you just send them saliva or hair samples onece the baby is born. These anonomous tests do not hold up in court as a walk in Lab test would because a walk in Lab can confirm Identity where as a anonomous site does not.

    This girl may not even really know herself and is trying to guess on her own . Ask her if you can go to the Doctor with her to discuss the chances of being the fatehr with her Doctor   personall. She may be emberrassed to do it because she would have to let the DR know she slept with 2 men but emberassment is not worth the benefits to this baby.

    Explain to her it is important that if this child is yours  that bonding with the baby during pregenecy is just as important to the father and that otherwise you could feel detached later.

    Explain that is would be hard for you to form any attachment unless you feel sure this baby is yours.

    If you disapear and do not take resposibility at all even if it is not yours , when she will file for child support the courts will order a paternity test and hunt you down through your employer. The will garnish your wages and charge a much higher fee for the test not to mention the emberassment that you could suffer at your job.

  4. Gestation age will be 11 weeks

    Fetal age will be 9 weeks.

    They always add 2 weeks onto the fetal age to calculate in implantation, etc.

    EDIT:  Well then you aren't listening to anyone!  Thats how pregnancy works.  They calculate from the 1st day of your last period, and you certainly aren't pregnant during your period.  You don't start ovulating until AFTER your period.  So, once again... Gestation age is 11 weeks.... fetal age is 9 weeks.  Simple!  Go look on some websites!  She is 11 weeks pregnant, ignore the fact the fetus is only 9 weeks old.

  5. inside the woumb(SP) if you are 11 weeks then  the baby is 11 weeks and since they are saying 9 weeks for the baby that means the baby is not much bigger that a 9 week old baby inside of the mother meaning not at the standers...

    ok so i guess i miss understood what the ? was from what the other answers are so i agree with most of the ones before me if thats what u are asking

  6. Im confused.....explain a little bit further

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