
Can you be a Ramp Agent for a Airline with a DUI?

by  |  earlier

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(ex. Baggage Handler) Ramp Agent.




  1. You can't even go to Canada anymore but who the h**l cares about Canadians anyway? As for your question, I don't know but you can call and find out from calling some of the airlines and see! I hope you have given up drinking and driving but most of all drinking! It will consume you in your life, I know I have seen way too many times! Good luck!

  2. How long ago was the DUI? The most important thing is, is to show the airline that you are currently responsible and that it was a one-time event. Most don't check your driving record, but they will have your driver's license number on hand in the event they feel the need to look into things. Be honest, though, no matter what, and typically they'll let things slide. I work out at an FBO and had one guy get arrested for a DUI under-age, and because of his good standing and the company knowing it was just a case of "young and dumb" for him, they merely let it slide. Hope this helps, and best of luck to ya! It's a great job, I loved it myself, take care and God Bless!

  3. It shouldn't disqualify you BUT it will depend on their insurance because as a ramp rat you may need an airport licence to drive the baggage tugs,  As the other poster said tell them up front you don't want them discovering it because if they do then that would disqualify you.

  4. This will be up the airline policy and procedures manual.  Each airline set their own policy, however if you have a current DUI and lost your driver license and are required to drive on the ramp as part of the position you are out of luck.

    I would contact the airline or contract facility and ask their Human Resource Department what the requirement is, all they can tell you is NO.

    Beadvise some airports will have policy about DUI so it may also depend on the airport policy.

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