
Can you be a Serb and think that Kosovo should be independent?

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Pavle dear only traitors are ones that are leading Serbia into russian pit.




  1. You can be a Serb and think whatever you like.  Or do you not have that kind of freedom over there?????

  2. I have no ethnic or political ties to either group.  But as a neutral bystander...  In about all cases of "my exposure" to Serbs in the USA... I find them to be an over-reactive, entitled, and intolerant "toward others" group. I think it must be learned behavior.  It takes my breath away!

  3. Of course you can. There are people who don't care about vital national interests in any country. They are called traitors; people with no integrity and usually no nobler inclinations or qualities. They are universally disliked, even by the enemies of the nation they belong to.

    @tom: My dear friend, instead of spending your time preaching to us about human complexes, I suggest you start a campaign or join one (if there is such a thing?!) in the UK, at HOME, about letting the Northern Ireland go, as you say. If you really cared about the lives lost, you should start at your own threshold, because it sure needs cleaning.

  4. Of course.If a part of serbia would be inside albania and they would want freedom i wouldnt hesitate and give it to them,i would even fight for people rights!I swear god i would have done that no matter what.Its a country's right to be independent..........

  5. Well NO you can not if you think Serbian Kosovo should be independent than you can not call your self a Serb, because in that case you are killing again all your ancestors that where fighting and give their lives for Serbia in past 500 years.

  6. NO!

  7. Yes, there are always a black sheep around. We call them издајице. They hate themselves and they are paid for that.

    No Serb would pretend he is Albanian, in contrast with many Albanians who pretend being Serbs. Why are some people desperate to be something they cannot be? Envy ?

    Косово је Србија

  8. Kosovo was independent as part of sovereign country of Serbia. Now is occupied by NATO and US and UCK.


    AgronCAS, thank you for public acknowledging Serbs as smart people. We know that we are and how much you love us.

  9. The problem is not a serb problem, it is a human problem, there is something called pride, Hitler was a germanic nationalist and believed they should rule over others, the british believed they were the best during and after the empire, the americans believe they are the best in the world, the soviets under stalin and afterwards had the same problem, most wars and especially civil wars and terrorist groups are caused by this attitude.

    If only people could believe that humans are humans and we should be looking for the best for everyone. I am british and i don't want to see violence in northern ireland, if that meant losing northern ireland then i would rather see that than see someone getting killed over the problem.

    The serbs look at kosovo from the way they are told to think by the government, the feeling is ingrained and needs to move on. The people of kosovo are what matter, not some holy site or some outdated notion of the birth place of the slavs. If the serbs worked with the kosovans, within a few years they'd both either be in the EU, without proper borders like in most of the EU now, and they could go there freely and live there freely, but they don't want to, because they have this ingrained superiority complex.

    People should not be enslaved or segregated, they should be free!

  10. That is very difficult!

    Serbs are smart. They can overcome the blindness imposed by Rankovic, Cubrilovic, Milosevic. And they can respect the will of the people.

    But they are having a hard time with Radicals and terrorists like Ratko Mladic.

    And Serbian nation is in danger of allowing terrorists Ratko Mladic rule the country.

  11. We Serbs actually have opposition, and that is one of important qualities of democracy, no matter do we like it or not, which is not the case with you Albanians. So you might ask similar question to your compatriots. And we all know the answer. Evolution is long process, and maybe you'll reach that point some day. In a century or two.

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