
Can you be a citizen in more tham one country? like could i live in the US and the UK??

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Can you be a citizen in more tham one country? like could i live in the US and the UK??




  1. Can..some country allows to hold two citizenship..but both countries must have an agreement..for more detail follow the link..

  2. yes

  3. You can't live in both of them at the same time, but you can hold dual citizenships -- then you can be a citizen of both, but reside in one or the other with freedom to move between them.

  4. It does depend on the country if they permit dual nationality or not.

    In the case of the UK & US, both recognise and permit dual nationality and so you would not have to renounce either passport.

    However if you are the holder of only one passport (and do not have any family connection for entitlement) then to obtain citizenship for the other is becoming increasingly difficult.  Due to large influxes of immigration, citizenship laws in both countries have and are being tightened resulting in a very difficult (impossible) and/or long-winded process

    If you are interested then you can read more about both:

  5. Well, If you were born in a country, you are automaticaly a citizen of there and you always keep it.  You apply for citizenship in  another country.

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