
Can you be a commercial pilot when you have asthma?

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I have an interest in becoming a commercial pilot but I have asthma (that is under control). I haven't had an asthma attack since I was seven but I do regularly use an inhaler. I also have hay-fever (also under control) and an allergy to nuts. I have eat nuts before but only had a little reaction - shin test do sugguest otherwise. Other than this I have no other known illnesses. I am not overweight and do regular swimming, sports (mainly football(soccer)), bike riding and occassionally jogging. In the bleep test (fitness related test) did come above the other asthmatics and came above the vast majority other the other students (but I do not go to a school with a load of fat people!!). I did ask my dad about this but he wasn't too sure and said it might mean 'no'. So with these health issues, would I still be able to be a commerical pilot?

I would also like to know about the different classes of health (e.g. class I and class II) for a pilot and the possible maxium positions (e.g. long haul captin (B747), medium haul first officer(B737) if possible and if there is much difference.

P.S. As you may have guessed I am English so i would prefer the English system and currency (GB £'s) if possible.




  1. Here is a discussion about the requirements regarding asthma in the UK from your CAA's website:

    You can read about general standards and exams here:

    You will need a class I medical to fly professionally:

    Good luck!

  2. Doubtful.  Very.  But why would you want to become a pilot:

    Most Major Airline Pilots are bearing the stress of 50% pay cuts, the loss of their pension, and working second jobs to make ends meet. Many are in bankruptcy and losing their homes.

    Pilots can barely concentrate on keeping the flight safe, because Airline Management, while giving each executive millions in bonus $$ each year, are skimping on pilot salaries, fuel, maintenance, and ground safety personnel. All to keep ticket prices and pilot salaries as they were in 1980.

    Study medicine or financial investment or law or computers or anything that will pay you according to the responsibility you have over people's lives.  Flying will not.

  3. My resources say no, but if it's under control you might have a chance, you could contact them and ask, it might be a problem because if you have an asthma attack while up there you could kill many innocent people. Hope you have luck!!

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