
Can you be a good concept designer without having to be good at algebra?

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I have a problem with algebra, but I always can come up with good ideas and have anabundance of imagination, but when is comes to algebra I just don't seem to get how it works enough to finish my schooling I'm fine when it comes to basic number crunching, but computations and how they realate to designs I just can't seem to grasp. It's like being able to play music, but not being able to read the music or write down the proper notes. So can you be a good concept designer without knowing the mathimatical equations?




  1. You could, for instance, be a concept artist, who sketches concept illustrations and designs what a device or system will look like aesthetically.  In that case, you would go to an art school or an art program; some art school curricula require some mathematics for graduation, because you have to know how to use computer programs and whatnot if you are doing computer drafting and modeling (some programming knowledge would be valuable in this area, too).  I recommend trying to learn the algebra, though, if only because it can be a useful tool; although you weren't specific about what you are interested in designing, learning some algebra and geometry will likely help you out, especially if you want to design technical devices or systems.

  2. Where do you need or use square roots?

    - and where do you need algebra

    Students ask: Why do I need to know how to calculate the square root of a number? What is the why calculate square root - beyond (or behind) it is used in math formulas? Are square roots really needed in life outside just math studies?

    Here's an idea of how you as a teacher/parent can at the same time show students one important real-life application of square root AND let them ponder where math is needed AND hopefully pique their interest into math problems in general. This lesson idea will work best when you've taught the square root concept but not yet touched on Pythagorean theorem.

    Draw a square on board/on paper and draw one diagonal into it. Make the sides of the square to be, say, 5. Then make the picture to be a right triangle by wiping out the two sides of square. Then ask students how to find the length of the longest side of the triangle.

    Of course you realize the students probably can't find the length - if you haven't yet studied Pythagorean theorem. But that's part of the 'game'. Have you ever seen ads where you couldn't tell what they were advertising? Then in few weeks the ads change and 'reveal' what it is all about. It makes you curious, doesn't it.

    So try let them think about it for a few minutes and not tell them answer. It might pique their interest a lot... Soon you'll probably study Pythagorean theorem anyway, since in schoolbooks it often follows square root.


    Then go on to the question: where would that kind of calculation be needed? In what occupations or situations would you need to find the longest side of a right triangle if you know the sides? This can get them to thinking and involved!

    The answer would be any kind of occupation or trade that involves triangles like carpenters, engineers, construction workers, those measuring and marking land, artists, designers of many sorts.

    I've observed people laying block who needed to first measure and mark on ground exactly where the building would go. Well they had the sides and they went with the tape measure to measure the diagonals and were asking ME what the measure should be because they couldn't quite remember but were wishing for better knowledge of the matter. This diagonal check is to ensure it's really going to be a rectangle and not a parallelogram. It's not easy to 'draw' a right angle when doing things on ground itself. In fact you usually don't even try to draw a right angle but use different kinds of triangle check points to make sure you got your angle as right angle.

    Then, beyond this simple example, square root as a CONCEPT is needed to understand other math concepts and to study math further. Studying math is like building a block wall or building: you need the blocks on the lower part to build on, and if you leave holes in your building, you can't build on the hole.

    So, you can mention to your students that the concept of square root is a prerequisite and ties in with many many other math concepts:

    square root → 2nd degree equations → functions & graphing

    square root → Pythagorean theorem → trigonometry

    square root → fractional exponents → functions & graphing

    square root → irrational numbers → real numbers

    there are probably more examples that I didn't think of for right now. If you do, please send them in!

    This all may lead the youngsters to ask:

    Where do you need trig and algebra?

    The answer to that is that in many many fields and occupations that require higher education like computer science, electronics, engineering, medicine (doctors), trade and commerce analysts, ALL scientists, etc. In short, if someone is even considering higher education, they should study algebra.

    Algebra also develops thinking skills and problem solving skills. And, it is needed to take your SAT test.

    Then you can admit to your student(s) that yes, square roots are not needed in every single occupation, those of mostly manual labor for example. That is no big secret; kids know that. But try to ask them that do they know for sure what they are going to become as adults? Most kids in middle school are not sure at all. If they are not sure, they better study all school subjects and learn all they can so that when they finally have some idea, they won't be stopped because of not having studied and understood square roots.

    And, even if they think they know what they want to be, how many times have young people changed their mind?? Even we as adults don't necessarily know what kind of job or career changes are awaiting us. In times past, you could pretty well bank on either becoming a housewife (girl), or continuing in your father's occupation (boy). In today's world this is not so. Kids have more freedom in choosing - but the other side is that young people need to study more to get a good solid basic education. Sometimes young people just need an adult to tell them about these things: they don't know all about their future so they need to keep studying, even math.


    See also

    Math Careers Database - descriptions for 277 major jobs and what math topics are needed on the job.

    Why study mathematics? From A Home for Homeschoolers

    Algebra in the Real World

    Short movies, lesson guides, and student worksheets that tie algebra in with real word applications, such as roller coasters, banking, rice production, skyscrapers, solar power, and lots more.

    Mathematical Moments - a series of one-page PDF files that promote appreciation and understanding of the role mathematics plays in science, nature, technology, and human culture. The one-page flyers cover very diverse topics such as findign oil, solving crimes, DNA, brain, traffic, aircraft design, etc.

    Where do you need exponents in everyday life?

    Math. "How am I ever going to use this stuff?"A great collection of REAL-world math problems contributed by a variety of businesses, demonstrating the relevance of math in today's world. The intent of these lessons is to excite students about mathematics, to expose students to professions that employ mathematics, and to demonstrate the relevance of mathematics in solving real-world challenges.

    Why Do I Need to Know Math? Who needs this stuff anyway?

    What have others asked and answered about the importance of studying algebra? Math on the Job and Professional Profiles.

    Career profiles

    Essays from authors from a variety of careers for which a background in the mathematical sciences is useful.

    Examining How Mathematics is Used in the Workplace

    Mathematics in Automobile Production; Proportional Reasoning by Nurses; Modeling the Mathematics of Banking; Mathematical Models as Seen by Biologists; How do Scientists Interpret Graphs?

    Career profiles in mathematical sciences

    If you were a math major, what kind of jobs could you end up with?


    what kind of math skills do you need to be a construction worker

    David Kutz

    I think the best people to ask this about would be construction workers.... which I'm not. BUT I think construction workers would first of all need to know their geometry well, and everything about measuring and area and volume and such.

    Then, you would probably need good grasp of percent and ratios... say maybe you're having to mix concrete, and you maybe need cement and sand and water in certain proportions in there...

    And then, since construction work may involve all kinds of basic calculations, a construction worker probably needs to be able to do lots of mental math, and needs to be able to do rough estimates, as well as know how to do the exact calculations.  

    why do nurses study mathematics?

    raizel magsalay

    They need to know how to measure various things, understand metric system well with milliliters, milligrams, kilograms etc. They need to know how to calculate the right amount of medicine to give. Like for example, if you need to give 5mg of medicine per 10kg of body weight, then how much this person would need. Or, say 200mg of medicine as a tablet is equivalent to certain amount of the same stuff in liquid; then calculate how much is needed. They especially need to understand well decimal numbers and proportions.  

    I'm a bridge builder (carpenter) in San Diego, California who wishes I'd paid more attention in math class back when I was attending school. Every day now is a little bit of a math challenge. So in order to keep mt competitive edge in this high turn over industry I've desided to brush up on my math skills.

    adrian chavira  

    what kind of maths do you need if you are a doctor? Is it the same as in nursing?



    Medical doctors need a solid understanding of chemistry to understand the workings of the human body and how medicines work, and for that, they need to know math well. Doctors also need logical thinking and be able to understand scientific writing and reasoning, and good math skills are essential for that as well.

    All in all, to-be doctors should study all possible math courses in high school: algebra, geometry, trig, calculus, statistics.  

    what kind of What jobs use pythagorean theorem?


    Check this link Jobs using Pythagorean Theorem from Math Careers Database. You can see it is various engineers, architects, surveyors, carpenters and other construction specialists, machinists, etc. Basically if you need triangles when designing things, then you need Pythagorean Theorem. Also if you're making big rectangles on land, such as when planning a building or farmland, Pythagorean Theorem is useful to know so you can check your 'rectangle' has right angles.  

    You'd be surprised at the level of mathematical expertise required in some "manual

  3. Emphasize those things you Are good at. Do your best to improve those things you're weak at (Algebra in this case... maybe take a remedial class at a community college or something).... But, all kinds of people are successful in all fields. My fiancee's undergrad degree is in Communications (showing what she's strong at) and now she's a Medical Doctor. She emphasizes the Public Health and communication aspects of physician work, and is very successful.

  4. As long as you can do basic math you will do fine !

  5. Yes it possible that some company will hire you on and capitalize on the skills you do have. However, without you being good in numbers, you would have established your own glass ceiling. Management will never be an option for you. You will always be "the good ole worker" that will retire as a "good ole worker" but never really go into management to really make use of your ideas to their fullest.

    Find a tutor. Algebra is really simpler and easier than you think. You have a phobia and a good tutor can break that barrier down. Just remember "A" is "A" and "B" is "B" just like 1 plus 2 equals 3! Isn't that simple?

    If "A" plus 2 equals 3, what is the figure for "A"? "1"! See math is really simple. Humans try to complicate it.

  6. Yes you can.  I think I'm a good musician, and I can't read music.  I play by ear.  Just because you can't make X+Y=W

    doesn't mean you can't design and build a beautiful building.

    If you ask me, algebra is a fungus.  I can't recall a time in life where I have ever had to use it.  EVER...

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