
Can you be a like-able yet quiet person all at the same time?

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Do others like the quiet maybe shy types, that like to listen to others whilst still contributing the conversation. Is this a like-able charactor?

What kind of people do you like the most?




  1. if your an honest and decent person i guess thats all that matters,  

    loudest is not always best.

    yje type of person i like laughs a lot and dont tell lies,

    oh and prefer female friend to be kinda S****y, lol,

  2. im quite and people like me but i do wish i opened my mouth a bit more cause i do have good opinions but i prefer listening dont know why

  3. yeah! alot of ppl like sweet shy personalities, i have some friends who are like that..

    and if a guy is quit and kinda mysterious then i think its sorta attractive lol >.<

  4. Yes. They're usually the most interesting people in my experience. Loud people normally have nothing to say.

  5. ofcourse you can. and i like the outgoing people that brighten up a room!

  6. Of course!

    I like people who are honest, kind, intelligent, thoughtful, nice, funny, open-minded, considerate, and etc.  There are many talkers.  The world needs listeners, too.  It's all good.  =D

  7. I think I am.

  8. apprently so. I am that person and people usualyl tell me i'm interesting or are drawn to me. I always find someone to talk to even being the quiet one

  9. a likeable character is someone who is a good talker and a good listener at the same time. no one likes it when they're trying to talk to someone and its clear they just aren't paying attention, so listening can be as good as talking. but being able to hold a conversation is a good quality too, i know for a fact that i hate it when i have to make all the conversation all the time!

  10. Everyone likes different things/people.

    Some people love a listener, while others prefer someone who talks as much as them.

  11. Yes that is fine.  I have friends who are all the different types.  Sometimes i find the loud ones a bit much as some of them like to be in charge all the time and it can be irritating.  I think i fall somewhere in between.

  12. Not too quiet, not too loud.

  13. the quiet ones are often more interesting, if only because with them you have to put some effort and strike up conversation in order o find things I'm normally one of those people  :D

  14. I hope so!!!1 *points finger to self* That's me!!!

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