
Can you be a police officer if you have smoked weed in your past?

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Pretty much what the title says, I just wanna know if I can still persue my passion for being a cop if I smoked weed in the past. I know they ask you for the truth, then you have you do a lie detector test.




  1. If you can be president, you can be a cop

  2. Sure as long as you don't p**s HOT during the drug testing. You don't have to lie about it, what was done in the past was the past assuming you don't light up no more.

  3. Maybe not, but that doesn't keep current officers from smoking weed- many of them do.

    You didn't really think ALL of the pot they confiscated went to the evidence room, did you?

  4. Yes you can...

  5. It could depend on factors such as how many times you have smoked, how much you have smoked, when was the last time you smoked, etc. There are certainly departments that will hire you if you've simply smoked marijuana. It depends. Some departments are more stringent than others when it comes to past marijuana use. Tell the background investigator about your marijuana use upfront, be completely honest, and go from there. Check out for excellent information and advice about becoming a police officer.

  6. Admitting to have smoked weed when you were younger will NOT prevent you from becoming a police officer.  Probably most people have at least tried it once.  However, you would not want to tell them that you were usually wasted from Thursday night til Friday morning every week, and all the time during holidays. That might make them frown a bit..

  7. well to tell you the truth...they don't give a c**p if you smoked weed or not...and they actually want you to lie on the polygraph test. my friend pass all the exams to become a police officer for the sapd, but they told him that he cant be an officer because he told the TRUTH!!!! LIKE WTF! AND THEY TOLD HIM THAT HE CAN NEVER BE A COP FOR THE SAN ANTONIO POLICE DEPARTMENT!!! Well i hope that this answered your question.

  8. yes. this day of age when over 70% of the teenage population has smoked marijuana atleast once they pretty much said it was ok aslong as you didnt touch it for atleast 5 years and if you dont lie about it. they already know about the things you have been caught doing in your past they just want to find out what you werent caught for in your past.

  9. it wont help you get on the force for sure, but it depends how far in the past and how much.

  10. yes and that goes for smoking banana peals too. if they gave every applicant for the police force a lie detector test, we"d have no cops period.

  11. i have only met a few people that have never tried weed. if you have never been caught smoking pot they really don't know. lie detector tests only work if you know you are trying to get away with something. keep asking yourself the question and telling yourself you didn't do it and you will be able to pass any lie detector test.  

  12. i think you will be ok if you tell the truth

  13. Admitting to drug use during a polygraph will most likely keep you from getting the job. And it's not like you can lie.

    You can't work for the FBI or anything like that, even as like, a secretary, if you've taken drugs, so I think you're out of luck. :/

  14. You have nothing to worry about..Im a cop in Maine and when I went to my oral board interview i admitted to smoking a lot of weed back in the day and in my lie detector test I admitted it as well...they want the truth and they kno most people do smoke weed and they expect you to answer truthfully and if you have no big deal at all they are not looking for simple little things like smoking pot if your shooting up herion or sniffing coke everyday then you might want to worry bout that

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