
Can you be anonymous as a Moderator on Yahoo Group?

by Guest10939  |  earlier

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I started a neighborhood group and didn't fill in any personal information so my neighbors wouldn't know who started it.

I am also publicly a member of the group so I can post things as a fellow neighbor.

I just sent a group message and it looks like my NAME is listed as the "author" - how the heck did that happen???

NO, I wasn't signed in as myself when I wrote the message, I was signed in as the anonymous moderator but it still posted my name. Is it only showing up to ME or did the neighborhood group all get my message with my damned name attached.

Can someone versed in all things Yahoo help???




  1. if this is a separate ID, you also need to go to My Account and edit it out there.

    it's probably on My Account settings. click the edit to the right and back space out the name there, enter moderator *****

    no, the author shows to everyone I believe. when you say you were signed in as the anonymous moderator, did you click at the top of the group Sign Out and then signed back in? how did you sign out? if you did the sign out and sign into another ID,  on the anonymous moderator profile and My Account, go there and edit out your name. it's probably on My Account settings. click the edit to the right and back space out the name there, enter moderator

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