
Can you be arrested for abusing a person.....

by  |  earlier

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if there is no evidence?

what if a person accused some one of abusing another person

but the person who was apparently abused denied that they were.

would they still arrest the person?

if your wondering why I'm asking,

i was wondering what happens if the person says that nothing happened.

i know.. strange question. What is morally right? to have the person arrested or to leave it?

thank you x




  1. As a police officer I have found that there are always multiple versions to how events occur and somewhere in the middle of these versions lays the truth. The skilled police officer looks at all the evidence and then basis a decision to arrest or not on that evidence. One must have evidence or you will look a fool in court or worse still subject to civil action.

  2. You are comparing apples and oranges...

    You cannot have a crime without a victim...  So, someone alleges that someone abused a third person, that third person would have to say or at least show signs of abuse, which can be easily ascertained to be caused by the alleged abuser...  Otherwise we would be arresting every single person who simply argued with someone else.

  3. Normally the case is dropped, because it appears as though there is no victim. If there are bruises or other injuries and witnesses, the case might proceed.

    The morally right thing is to have the perpetrator arrested. The abused victim is either living in fear or doesn't know that he or she deserves better.

  4. According to the question the simple answer is YES you can be arrested for abusing a person. But your question has many twist. If there is no evidence then the person cannot be arrested. If the person who said was abused denied it then there is no case to pursue.

    If the other person says nothing had happened then nothing.

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