
Can you be both Jewish and Christian? ?

by Guest10709  |  earlier

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Can you be both Jewish and Christian? ?




  1. Jews for Jesus???

    Isn't that like Jumbo Shrimp?  What's next...Vegans for Veal?

  2. No. That's like being a dog and a cat at the same time. They are both religions; it's not possible to actually believe in two different and contradictory things at the same time.

  3. It is utterly impossible to be a Jew faithful to the Torah and a follower of a man who declared himself God (in St John's gospel), who gave his own blood and flesh to eat to his people, and destroyed all the Torah although he said he was accomplishing it.  

  4. How?

    How can you believe both that the messiah has NOT come - and also that he came 2000 years ago?

    How can you believe that there is no original sin - and also that there IS original sin?

    How can you not believe in the trinity at all - and also believe in it at the same time?

    Of course you can't be both Jewish and Christian. Unless you have multiple personalities.

    And for any idiots out there who will now claim they can be 'ethnically jewish' and 'religiously christian' - DRIVEL.

    There is nothing 'ethnic' about Judaism. We are not an 'ethnic' group. We come from ALL ethnic backgrounds.

    Judaism forbids dual religious identity. A Christian cannot also be Jewish. A Christian who converts to Judaism is JEWISH.

    And a Jew who becomes a Christian is a CHRISTIAN.

    NINA and LYNDALEE are not Jewish. They have never BEEN Jewish. They identify as CHRISTIANS here in this forum on a regular basis.

    Christians don't get to 'become' Jewish just by declaring that they are! By that 'logic', I can wake up tomorrow and declare that hey presto! I'm a Cherokee Indian!!!

    Now, would it be honest of me to do that? How about if I claim to follow *some* of the Cherokee rituals? But I don't agree with all of them - so I'll just ignore most of them and hey, I might actually CHANGE the ones I don't like!

    Do I then have the right to come into THIS forum and state that I represent 'true' Cherokee Indian beliefs? Would that be right, or wrong?

    We all know the answer.

    The early Christians were not like today's Messianics. They did not, back then, worship Jesus. They did not discuss any 'trinity'.

    Today's Messianics PRAY TO JESUS. This violates Judaism and violates Torah, the holy Jewish text and direct word of G-d.

    Perhaps these Messianics might like to recall that they are offending G-d with their lies, by twisting HIS commands as contained in the Torah.

  5. Let me be really clear:  Ã¢Â€ÂœMessianic Jews”, “Jews for Jesus”, etc., are **not** Jewish.  Period.  They are Christians, many of whom, under false pretenses, aggressively seek to convert Jews and descendants of intermarriage to Christianity in a way that many of us find invasive, disrespectful, and anti-Semitic.

    Before I even get to what Jewish law says about these impostors, consider this:  not only does every Jewish organization completely reject them as Jewish, but so do a fair number of Christian groups (see links 2-4 below).

    If no Jew thinks that you’re Jewish, and even some Christians don’t, then how can you possibly think that you are?  And if one thinks that this rejection is a recent phenomenon, think again!  Even St. Ignatius, of the 2nd century, felt the same way!  In his Epistle to the Magnesians he wrote:

    “Never allow yourselves to be led astray by false teachings and antiquated and useless fables. Nothing of any use can be got from them. If we are still living in the practice of Judaism, it is an admission that we have failed to receive the gift of grace…To profess Jesus Christ while continuing to follow Jewish customs ***is an absurdity***…[L]et us learn to live like Christians. To profess any other name but that is to be lost to God…For where there is Christianity there cannot be Judaism.”

    And now for what **we** say:

    Most Jewish scholars agree that you cannot convert away from Judaism (there are a minority who say you can convert away). However, this by no means implies that a Jew who joins another religion has the same standing as a Jew who has remained Jewish. A Jew who practices another religion, whether it be Christianity (in any of its forms, including Messianic "Judaism"), Islam or anything else, is known as an "apostate." An apostate is someone who has removed themselves from the Jewish people by joining another faith. The apostate cannot be buried in a Jewish cemetery. Nor can the apostate be counted for a minyan, the minimum of ten adult Jews (or adult Jewish men, depending on one's denomination) needed for saying certain prayers. For nearly all practical purposes, they have the same status in the Jewish community as non-Jews. The only difference is that they do not have to undergo a full conversion to rejoin the Jewish community, though there is a process known as "Teshuvah" that they must go through to come back to the Jewish community with full Jewish status.

    So, once we delve into Jewish law we see that a Jew who joins another religion, though still Jewish, has ostensibly the status of a non-Jew and is no longer able to participate as a full member of the Jewish community. The apostate has the weakest of all grasps to their Jewish identity, they are Jewish by birth but otherwise have no position in the Jewish community.

    This then brings us to a discussion on the difference between "doing Jewish" and "being Jewish." By "doing Jewish", I am referring to someone who is actually practicing Jewish beliefs and laws. By "being Jewish", I mean someone who has been born Jewish. Now, there are many people who are born Jewish but are not practicing Judaism. For instance, if a Jewish person murders a family, the Jewish person may be "born Jewish" but certainly was not "doing Jewish" as murder is a violation of the Ten Commandments.

    Similarly, we can see examples of this in the Jewish Bible. The prime example of this would be the Jews who worshipped the Golden Calf at Mount Sinai. These individuals were unquestionably Jewish by their birth, thus we can argue that they were "being Jewish." However, were they "doing Jewish?" The Bible is quite clear that these individuals, though born Jewish, were not practicing Judaism. The worship of the Golden Calf, though it was a monotheistic form of worship, was clearly a violation of the Biblical law regarding the making of idols. Thus, they were not "doing Jewish." Similarly, in the Prophets we see countless reprimands of people who were undeniably Jewish by birth, but had entered into apostasy by worshipping gods such as Baal and Ashtoret. They were not "doing Jewish" but "doing pagan" and had violated the very underpinning of Judaism. That they were "being Jewish" by their birth was clearly not sufficient. One must also "do Jewish" in their actions.

    Along the same lines, many of Jesus' original followers were unquestionably born Jewish. However, by adopting non-Jewish beliefs, such as thinking that Jesus was a god (a violation of several places in the Jewish Bible, Numbers 23:19 and Hoshea 11:9 provide a few examples of this), were no longer "doing Jewish." The same is true for individuals in the Messianic movement today. The Messianic movement was created by Christianity, and its beliefs and values reflect Christianity. By practicing Messianic "Judaism", the individual who was "born Jewish" is no longer "doing Jewish." They have removed themselves from the Jewish community by their practice and beliefs. Unfortunately, too few

  6. Christians are referred to as spiritual Israel in the book of Galatians.  The book of Romans speaks of being a Jew inwardly vs. being one outwardly.  I say that a Christian is a believer in many things Jewish.  Jesus spoke of the Jews that rejected Him as not obeying Moses.  The Jews who had crucified Jesus had fallen away from the true Jewish religion.  


  7. answer: No, not at all.  

    Some odd Christian sects take Jewish rituals and holy days and impose Jesus into them, diluting and disrespecting Judaism.  Some are sincere but misguided and don't realize the damage they're doing.

    Some are intentionally deceptive, seeking to deceive Jews into converting to Christianity.

    It takes over a year to convert to Judaism. Learning a few lines of Hebrew and observing Passover with twisting Jesus in there doesn't make someone Jewish.  Having a Jewish grandparent doesn't make someone Jewish.

    If you believe in Jesus - you are a Christian.  Claim the title with pride!  Become a righteous Christian if you wish to abandon the paganism within Christianity but don't mix your Jesus with the original meaning of the Jewish rituals and holy days.  

    Anyone that does is committing cultural genocide and are dishonest.

  8. Yes, Jesus was and I am.

  9. Colossians 2 and Romans 14, make it clear that Torah observant believers in the messaiah are not to judge non-observers and vice versa...

    One who condemns a Messianic Jew for their religious practice are just as guilty as a Jewish believer [following a Jewish messaiah fortold by a Jewish book in a Jewish religion therefore becoming completed a Jew] condemning a brother who feels liberty in Christ to eat pork...

    Being a Christian is sometimes trivialized...Those who repent and put their faith in Jesus [or Yeshua] are saved...

  10. I ask my L_rd that question and he has answered me,

    I don't need what man thinks or says about this.

    I can imagine in my mind people who maybe Jewish standing before the L+rd asking him

    "L-rd I love you and I am a Jew, I believe in you and accept you as my savior, :

    and the L+rd looks at them with his kind eyes and says as he did to peter  {feed my sheep}

  11. Absolutely.... the first Christians WERE Jewish.... and so was Jesus/Yeshua.

    However, non-Christian Jews don't acknowledge the Jewish heritiage of Christian Jews.

    P.S. If a person of Jewish decent was raised in a home of that accept Jesus as Messiah, then how can this person be an apostate (leaving their former religion)... when their relgion (Christianity) never changed?  And for their heritage, a Jewish mother is a Jewish mother!  ;-)  I actually know some messianic Jews who fit this discription!

  12. Messianic Judaism, We believe Jesus is the Messiah but we follow the feasts and the ENTIRE Bible, not just the NT. without the OT where is the basis of all the writings. We do not follow the pagan holidays such as easter (we celebrate passover).

  13. It depends on exactly what you mean by being Jewish and Christian

    If by being Jewish you mean a descendant of Abraham, the answer is Yes.

    If by being Jewish you mean someone who follows the orthodox Jewish religion then I think probably not.

    Because Jesus fulfilled the law and these Jew do not accept the Jesus as the Messiah.

    Someone might be able to prove otherwise, but I don’t think they can.

  14. Yes, you can be a Jew for Christ

  15. Almost none of these messanics were ever Jewish.

    What we have is one word with two definitions & a manipulative misuse of it by messanics.  

    First definition, to be a Jew PRACTICING Judaism, you can in NO WAY be a messianic or that whole class of religions.  Their beliefs are identical to Baptist Christians.  They use Jewish symbols, but praying to Jezus in a kippah does not make you a Jew.

    The other definition is for the less than 1% who used to be Jewish.  In Judaism we have the concept that you can become APOSTATE.  That is, leave the community, no longer be counted, no longer be buried in a Jewish cemetery, be essentially not Jewish & definitely NOT a practicing Jew.  However, because we value the connection, they would be called an "apostate Jew", i.e.  not a Jew in practice, but welcome back if they decide to come back.  

    It is that 2nd definition that messanics take advantage of but then twist around into the first defintion.  A few of the messanics are apostate.  But they leave off the apostate term & shift to claim they what they practice is Judaism & you can combine the two.  Judaism doesn't allow this.  They are being disingenous in yet another way -- & robbing us.  

    It's sad, because they could practice anyway they want.  But harming others isn't spiritual at all.  And they do harm the Jewish community.  Why in the world do we now have to repeatedly tell people who we are?  We've been around a long time, we've earned the respect of seniority to not go through this...!

    The idea that Judaism is a race or ethnicity is part of what they use to take advantage of.  Jews as a race was Hitler's contribution to world hate.

  16. YES!!!

    Hebrews 8:8  For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:

    "Behold, the days come...", speaking of the future. Why is a "new" covenant being made with Israel and Judah? Where are the "Christians" in this verse? Actually, it IS speaking of us!!!

    Hebrews 8:10  For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:

    Much more can be said.

    GOD bless

  17. Why not? Be a Scientoligist while you're at it! Kick some ***!

  18. No. If your really a pastor, you should know the answer.

    Jews dont believe in jesus.

  19. Messiatic  (spelling) Jews hold the traditions of the Jewish faith and accept Jesus as their Messiah.They are very much like the Christians of the very early church.  

  20. Absolutely NOT.  That makes just as much sense as simultaneously being Christian, Hindu, Muslim, AND Athiest.  In other words, no sense at all.  Those who call themselves "messianic Jews" are an oxymoronic bizarre sect of people who claim to be Jews but who use the Christian bible and believe Jesus was the messiah.  "Messianic Judaism" is an insult to BOTH Judaism and Christianity.

  21. Yes.

    You can still be Jewish by race, but your faith is enabled by the testimony of Christ. (John15:26-27)

    There is no other possible way to believe in Him. (2John1:7)

    (You can't possibly believe by constantly denying God coming 'in the flesh'.)


    I merely implied that the testimony of Christ is truthful.

    If you were not literally guilty as sin, the Spirit of the Lord God wouldn't hurt your damned feelings.

    Fine children of God that you are, I really hope that you are chosen. You are truly blessed.

    I am sorry if you have found the truth hurtful.

    You can be Christian of Jewish heritage, but you can't be a Orthodox Jewish faithful believer and a believer in Jesus. That's not possible.

    You can't know Christ by denying God in the flesh.

  22. Of Course!!

  23. Jews will never worship a human being, dead or otherwise!  The messiah will be a normal human being who will usher in an era of peace on earth.  

    Human sacrifice is forbidden in Judaism.


  24. No.  There a bunch of Jews that convert and become what they call "completed Jews", however if you believe Christ was the messiah, then you are of a Christian faith and no longer Jewish.

  25. To tell you the truth a Jew can never be a christian and the reason is that the christians doesn't  exist that is just an inventory of the man. A jewish can never change there traditions or their culture . The jewish can not change the Torah , for a blasfem book so called bible. The tittle christian was titled to the Nazarens in Anthioquia . And the reason of that is because the Anthioquians descriminated the jewish Nazarenes.  In other words NO , Because the real believers of YAHWEH will never be a christian  and will never betrayed our ELohim , YAHWEH.  

  26. No. And Messianic Jews are just Christians in disguise.

  27. A Christian Jew? man when you have the two you got mighty dynamite. and why else did Jesus come but to save the Jews. me? yes but He came to save the jews. His people.

    Why did say it was dynamite? because the jews memorize scripture and puts us to shame. They are like dynamite! ready to set the world on fire for Jesus.

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