
Can you be charged with child abuse if you smoke crack while pregnant?

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My Friends sister is pregnant with her first baby and is hooked on crack She is selling her body to support her habit. Can I report her for child abuse I want to help her baby not Her. I was thinking of calling the cops on Her that way she in jail and wont have access to drugs and cant hurt the baby. If I cant report her for child abuse is there something I can do I want to give the baby a chance.




  1. cant hurt to talk to child protective and find out if there is anything you can do.

  2. no u cant mayb reckless endangerment but dats all, but u could have her busted for the crack n bein a hooker but dats it, but i think dat u should talk to her r her sister first b4 u do this

  3. I would definitely call child protective services and see if there is anything you can do.  I'm not sure if there is, but you should definitely look into it.

  4. you really need to call child protective services and ask them what to the cops if nessisary....the baby could catch hiv as well as be born addicted to drugs.... just think about the baby and a hero to that little baby,

  5. Yes.

  6. You can get her arrested for having crack on her, but it's not legaly considered child abuse if the baby's not born yet due to the whole "is it a child yet?" controversy. But If I were you, I'd call the cops when you're certain she has crack on her and they will arrest her. Then if she doesn't get out on bond or anything, they'll let her out to have her baby, then more or likely be sent to drug classes and be put on probation.

    You're a good person for wanting to help her baby

  7. yes

  8. It is such a sad situation but I commend you for wanting to help the baby, the best thing is to call Child Protection Services,or your local police dept and find out if anything can be done.

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