
Can you be depressed && not know why?!?

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Can you be depressed && not know why?!?




  1. if your a teenager then yes :) listen to music it always helps me!! qood luck

    --ladii_bad ♥

  2. yeah. happens to me all the time.

    you probably know why, but you can't really put it into a definable idea.

    or you may just really not know.

  3. yes it happened to me once

  4. Of course, it could be 'clinical depression' which a lot of people do not believe in.  I do because I have been diagnosed with it.  It really sucks! However I have been prescribed anti depressants and yes they do work.  If it continues on somewhat of a regular basis, I'd advise you talk to a doctor, don't be afraid to see a psychiatrist, there is nothing taboo about it.  Good luck

  5. i personally wouldnt believe so.

    try to find the root of the cause

    is there something missing?

    is there too much of something?

    is there a someone?

    ask questions, and you'll find the answer.

  6. Yes, Usually.  

    Actually most people who are depressed do not know why.

    Those who put labels on the reason are pointing at the symptoms and not really looking at the underlying problem, the real root is usually to hard to look at.

    If you look hard and think you have the answer you may be wrong.  When you know that you can't change you will be on the road to change.  Good Luck.

  7. yup it can happen anytime-anyhow. but it isn't normal sadly though.

  8. yeah

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