
Can you be dyslexic, but have done a degree and love reading books all your life?

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  1. Of course you can.

    Dyslexics aren't stupid, they just struggle with some things.

    I know LOADS of Dyslexics who have done degrees - in academic subjects too. And I also know loads of Dyslexics who love to read, there's no rule that says you can't!

  2. Yeah, you can love to read and have dyslexia at the same time.  It just means that reading may be harder, not that you hate it.

  3. yes of course.

    You don't need to find things easy to enjoy them.

  4. Totally!  Being dyslexic doesnt hinder your intelligence, and though it might take you a bit longer to read things, it doesn't mean you cant!

  5. Sure you can. There a plenty of people who are dyslexic and have gotten their degree. I don't think it's one of those things that are impossible.

  6. Both my brother an I are dyslexic to different degrees and we both have a degree and both love reading.  There are different ways that dyslexia present itself, my brother can't spell to save his life, but my spelling is very good.  My brothers memory is astonishing and mine is absolute pap, if you work hard and take advantage of the resources available to you, if you're dyslexic you can do a degree, a Masters, a PhD if you wish.

  7. Yes you can i am dyslexic i am going to college and i love reading books which i am reading two of them now.

  8. my husband is dyslexic has been to college loves reading books to himself and his kids and is now serving in the army.... if you want it enough anything is possible

  9. My best mate at uni was dyslexic and he went on to do his masters. It shouldnt hold you back just makes things a bit harder.

  10. Yes, my eldest Daughter id dyslexic, she loves reading, always has done,

  11. sure-it happens-

    you can enjoy the story even if it is difficult to read....

    people with dyslexia graduate from college all the time-even with masters and doctorate degrees

  12. Nah

  13. hte hcnacse rea ogod. hda on porbelms ymslef.

  14. yes you can. In fact it isn't uncommon for many adults to discover that they are dyslexic.

    Personally my very good fried recently discovered that she was dyslexic at the age of 27. She has done very well in her career and now works as an accountant at a very presigious A/C firm.

    all through college she wondered why she had to do things a bit slower than everyone else.....she however made it.

    Let's be realistic however that her case may not be one to frequently occur. She may not be as severely impaired as many others and that might explain why she has been able to overcome the obstacles.

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