
Can you be employed on daily casino cruise ships with a c1d visa?

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Can you be employed on daily casino cruise ships with a c1d visa?




  1. yes you can

    i have worked for 14 years on cruise ships

    from 1 day cruise to 14 day


    to work on cruise ships you need

    c1d visa


  2. Yes.

    If you are not a US citizen and want to work on any type of cruise ship that sails from the US, you will need a C1D visa (also known as the "seaman's visa")

    If working on a UK ship, you will need to be at least 19 years old - minimum age for all other cruise ships is 21. You will also (obviously ;-) need a full passport, and a clean criminal record.

    Once you are hired the concessionaire, agency, or the cruise company itself will arrange for your C1D visa (if needed).

  3. If you are talking about a "day" ship (one that allows a boat to leave the limits of a nations borders for a day and stops gaming when it returns, to the border), you will, in most nations, need the equivalent of a multiple entry/exit visa to work,( where it is now only valid for 6 months at a time, down from the previous 9 months, in  America, and in theory you will have to leave for 6 months before re applying), but try the Bay of Fundy cruise lines from Canada, for this to be overcome, Previously Atlantic Associates were the main hirers in Florida, they went belly up some years ago, but there is a way of finding these firms, ask a travel agent for their "Worldwide Hotel and Casino guide", at about thirty nine quid a copy, it is quite expensive, but a good travel agent may have a back number he will give you, they last a long time , as info takes time to become dated, or he may have a computerised version, the French have a guide that lists all Casinos in the world, but is not in English, (the Americans have this one too but it is about £90 the cruise ships out of Singapore are much nicer to work on from personal experience, as to criminal records, do not try the Bahamas, even saying that you previously used or owned a gun will disqualify you from there, ! but they have no way to check, so do not mention it, the same applies to the cruise lines in general, unless you are talking about the US, but in all cases the company that hires you, will deal with these things, and tell you in advance, what you need, since it is time resticted, do not apply in advance of being told or you will find yourself at sea without a valid visa, if the cruise runs over the contract period, that your visa covers. Also the cruise lines out of Norway/Sweden do discriminate, and do not hire any foreigners, they do it by hiring language skills, if you do not speak, either + another, with English, then do not bother....

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