
Can you be german without being a german citizen?

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Can you be german without being a german citizen?




  1. I'm a 4th generation German, my great grandfather immigrated to the United States from Hamburg, Germany.

  2. Yes you can have German heritage in you.... but not live there or ever lived there


  3. You could possibly be a German national without being a citizen. I am a British national, because my dad was born in Scotland, but not a citizen. This means I am entitled to a passport and a few other privileges. You can also be of German descent.

  4. yea because your bloodline traces back to germany and not America

  5. To the Germans, no.  You can be of German descent without being of German nationality.  In Germeny, they consider anyone who was born in their country as German.  In their country if you were born in Germany, you are legally a German citizen.  However, if you are of German descent, that does not mean that you are of German nationality.

  6. yes, i am german.

  7. yes u can ..... but the government need a  lots of proof from you ....  after the conferment proof all u will get u German passport ... but don't think this is done in 1 week .... it takes time.... l hope it help you ...  also u can ask in any embassy about that that would be the first step you have to do.

  8. Sure you can be, if both of your parents were born and raised there but you were born in any other country or place, that still makes you 100% german, just not a citizen of that place, for you weren't born there. Other than that, i'm not quite sure.

  9. Well I am Irish-American, but I am not an Irish citizen.  My grandfather came here from Ireland.  You can be born in a country, but sometimes you have to choose your citizenship, and can't have a dual citizenship.  It depends on the country.  I need more info..  Hope this helps:)

  10. of course, its just like anyone who isn't  American that's born in the U.S, they're whatever they are, but arent citizens of their home country

  11. yes, if you are born on another country with german parents.

  12. If your parents are german yes.

  13. It's clearly a matter of definition.  Are you a German citizen in the eyes of German law?  Or are you German by heritage?

    That's a little tougher for us Americans to answer.

    By the way, Americans CAN hold dual citizenship now.  They changed the law in recent years (it had to do with Jews returning  to Israel and suddenly getting drafted into the Israeli army--dual citizenship somehow protects them from this).

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