
Can you be kicked off answers?

by Guest56949  |  earlier

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if you tell a person off in one of the questions?Tell me would you be astounded to read in an answer that a person wishes they would have had an abortion, blamed their pregnancy on their mother, and are having "post tramatic stress" because they didn't get to go to their prom because of their baby.




  1. that person is probably suffering from ppd and needs medical intervention. i feel sorry for them

  2. You might get a violation, and have your answer removed - but she'll have to read it first!

    I tell people off regularly, and have gotten about 3 violations.  Some when I thought I was either being funny (which I WAS!) and have no idea why somebody got their knickers in a twist, and other times I have really laid into people, was SURE I would get a violation notice, and never did.  Once in a while, I have actually gotten THANKED for the verbal spankings I have offered!

    Don't sweat it kid.  Let her have it.  In fact, send me a link so I can, too!

  3. yes

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