
Can you be pregnant if...?

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Can you be pregnant even if you've had you period once? like if you have all the other signs of it?




  1. Definitely. Once you started period, that means you ready

  2. If you have had your periods, you are not pregnant.

    A period is when an unfertinlized egg comes out of the female body.

    What are the other sign you have?

    Go to a doc!

  3. Yep. It's always a possibility.

  4. i know some one who had there period the first four months they were pergnant

  5. Yes

  6. U need specific. What is your question?

  7. You can become pregnant before even having your period... The chances can vary...maybe you should go to a doctor if you think you are pregnant or take a pregnancy test...

  8. if you have had a period, and had unprotected s*x, yes, you can be pregnant.

  9. Do you mean you've only had one period in your whole life? If so...then yes you can be pregnant.

    If you mean that you had your period after you had s*x, then there's still a possibility of you being pregnant, but very unlikely, unless it was a light bleeding(spotting on and off for a couple of days).

    Just because you're not sure, you should take a pregnancy test, if it's past your period due date.  

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